Monday, July 18, 2011

Amaths?????? You must be kidding me

Pizzaaaaaaaa :) yesterday's dinner at swensens!

Hi people. How was your weekends?
Mine was spent studying because of prelims! How sucky is that, right?

Anyway, had English paper one and paper two just last Thursday, and I totally screwed up my paper one. Wrote a topic that very few people will actually do it, and I didn't do well, of course. Only realized that I should have wrote the question 'transformation', instead of some rubbish question I wrote. Oh no. I think I was blind for a moment because I totally didn't see the question on transformation. What is that, huh????

Ok, then Friday was Social studies plus Mathematics paper one. What a great combination.

Hey, I was being sarcastic. Anyway, screw miss NMH :) she set a rubbish paper for us, and oh no, I'm going to fail it. Grrr. Then for SS, i will say that it was quite a fair and easy paper. But screw SEQ. Governance is such an easy chapter, but I didn't do that question because I wasn't confident enough. Instead, i did a question that I studied for the part A, but not the part B. So I just crap through the part B. And there goes my A. Sobsob

Tomorrow's paper will be amaths paper one plus chemistry section B. OMG does the word amaths even exist in Tay Sin Huay's dictionary? I'm sorry to say, NO. Spent the whole of Friday and Saturday slacking. Shucks, what's with me? So I chionged chemistry today. It was ok, I guess? Except that I didn't study Air and barely studied Organic Chemistry plus Metal and extraction. Can go commit suicide already, since chong say that those chapters are those 'die-die-must-study-one'.

Not to say amaths, I didn't even study a single shit. Ok la, got a bit. Just that little bit. How? Die lor.

Ok, bye-bye.
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