Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Happy birthday my dearest daguuuu

Happy birthday to you, You're born in the zoo. Happy birthday, Happy birthday. Happy birthday to you. Just kidding. I know that you're not born in the zoo, but from your mum's womb!! :) It's 1.52am, going 2am. Wondering why am I still awake? I have no idea too. I guess I just slept too much in the afternoon, so I am wide awake now. Anyway, I have been having breathing difficulties this few days or weeks. Even now too. I have to breathe very hard, otherwise, I will feel like I'm going out of breathe. Shucks, I hope that I don't die in my sleep. Oh nuuu, I don't want to die yet. I still have so much things not donee!!! Ok, bye-bye. Hope I'm still alive during the weekends, because this weekends is gonna be fun fun fun! Can't wait <3

Monday, July 25, 2011


You're the best aunt ever.
Always pampering me since young, by treating me to good food, and buying many many clothes for me, despite the price! <3
I remember when I was young, you and grandma use to take care of me, and I will never fail to make your house into a mess.
And before we move to live with you, I will stay at your house every weekends, and you'll bring me out for food every weekend.
ahhhh, you're so nice! <3
happy birthday (insert many many love)
stay happy, and live a long long lifeeeeeeee!


love how stupid and retarded we are.


I think we look a bit alike, isn't it?

Chatted with my dad on saturday again.
It was a long 4 hour, i can say, heart-to-heart-talk.
Dad loves to share about his feelings, his thoughts, and his past with me.
I can say that he is a pretty honest man, and I would want to have a husband like him in the future. He's hardworking, a very devoted and family man. (ok, this is weird LOLLLL)
So he always love to tell me about his past.
I think that my dad is not bad looking for a man of his age, except that he don't have much hair laaaaa.
When he was young, a lot of girls like him, you know! hahahah.
My dad is a pretty chinese speaking man, but he said something that was pretty funny to me.
So he was trying to tell me that even though he kissed with some girls (don't get a bad impression of him hor), he didn't tell them that they were his girlfriend.
But normally when he say in chinese, it will be like, 'wo mei you gen ta men cheng nuo ni shi wo de nu peng you'. Instead, he said : 'wo mei you gen ta men cheng nuo ni shi wo de STEADY'
LOLLL. It was funny because I didn't expect him to know the word steady.
So now, I think my dad is pretty cool.
He said a lot of other wise words too, but it was too long for me to remember.
Overall, the talk was fun, yet tiring.
love dad. yes, love, kan.


korean cuisine for lunch.


trying hard to squeeze in the loots
one of the shirt + shorts
another shirt
This is actually quite nice, but I look.. funny and weird. grr
Clothes buffet on Saturday!
In case you're wondering what a food buffet is, it's actually just like the normal food buffet. But instead, it's clothes. So basically, they give you this plastic bag (to me, it actually represents our tummy), and you can go in and grab anything that you like. As long as you can fit it in your tummy/plastic bag, everything is yours!

Sounds pretty fun right? Ya la, it's quite fun because I love the feeling that I can just grab anything that I like, BUT NO NEED TO CHECK THE PRICE TAG!!! Best thing ever.

But anw, me and zee aren't like experts, so we only managed to grab 9 pieces in total. 5 for me, and 4 for her because I tong-pang one dress in her bag. Heard that the highest record was 10 pieces. Are you kidding me? The person must be some kind of kiasu-auntie-shopping-expert.

OK, so overall, my biggest regret was taking the black and white strips dress. Yes, the one I tong pang zee. We could have easily fit into another two or three tops because the dress was kind of thick. Should have taken some maxi dress, crop tee or so. It was fun though, anw. It wasn't as chaotic and crowded as I expected it to be. We saw the nerd aka kan's sister there too, and she was looking all excited, but Kan say that she couldn't fit in all the clothes. aww

Before that, we had korean cuisine for lunch, and were supposed to go and study amaths at the national library located near Bugis. However, we failed to study. (long story cut short) anyways, we managed to study at Subway for about an hour or so.

OK, to end off this post, Zee is a person who thinks a lot a lot a lot. FAR TOO MUCH. We already planned to go for the Clothes buffet one or two days ago, but she was still considering, and thinking very hard about it, weighing the pros and cons, and deciding whether she should go for it when we were already outside the shop. I think she can't bear to say goodbye to her 35 bucks. HAHAHA.

'O' Food and Nutrition Part B,

Photos for 'O' FNN Part B which took place last friday. (above - zee's, below - mine.)
For part B, we had to show how raising agents actually works on baked products.
So me and zee chose to bake cakes, and use self-raising flour as our raising agent.
As you can see, it actually works! The cake that appear to be 'thicker' and 'higher' is the one with the most raising agents.
So we're left with our evaluation, and we'll be done with our coursework!! ~


Hi, if you do realize, I mostly update my blog on the weekends, or on Monday and Thursday because I'm usually at home alone on Monday and Thursday if I'm home early.
So yeapp, I'm gonna separate it into a few posts, so tata~

Monday, July 18, 2011

Amaths?????? You must be kidding me

Pizzaaaaaaaa :) yesterday's dinner at swensens!

Hi people. How was your weekends?
Mine was spent studying because of prelims! How sucky is that, right?

Anyway, had English paper one and paper two just last Thursday, and I totally screwed up my paper one. Wrote a topic that very few people will actually do it, and I didn't do well, of course. Only realized that I should have wrote the question 'transformation', instead of some rubbish question I wrote. Oh no. I think I was blind for a moment because I totally didn't see the question on transformation. What is that, huh????

Ok, then Friday was Social studies plus Mathematics paper one. What a great combination.

Hey, I was being sarcastic. Anyway, screw miss NMH :) she set a rubbish paper for us, and oh no, I'm going to fail it. Grrr. Then for SS, i will say that it was quite a fair and easy paper. But screw SEQ. Governance is such an easy chapter, but I didn't do that question because I wasn't confident enough. Instead, i did a question that I studied for the part A, but not the part B. So I just crap through the part B. And there goes my A. Sobsob

Tomorrow's paper will be amaths paper one plus chemistry section B. OMG does the word amaths even exist in Tay Sin Huay's dictionary? I'm sorry to say, NO. Spent the whole of Friday and Saturday slacking. Shucks, what's with me? So I chionged chemistry today. It was ok, I guess? Except that I didn't study Air and barely studied Organic Chemistry plus Metal and extraction. Can go commit suicide already, since chong say that those chapters are those 'die-die-must-study-one'.

Not to say amaths, I didn't even study a single shit. Ok la, got a bit. Just that little bit. How? Die lor.

Ok, bye-bye.
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Monday, July 11, 2011

been very lazy to blog lately.
so pictures will settle everything ok?!
anyway, Saturday was a busy day.
wake up > bath > out to EP > lunch > kan's house > rush home > dinner with family > home
OK, will update soon.
PS : the pics are all so unglam and crappy. yes, i love to take random pics.
kkay, goodbye.
prelims this week, time to study.

my weekends.

Studying with Zee :D
Pasta mania for dinner.
Trying the heels at cotton on!!!
With the heels.
With our own shoes.

The polaroids we took that day!!

trying to be weird and stick the polaroid on her face, HAHA.






Love this pic, EN GOT SKILL!




Using Ipad, kids nowadays..

Tall people HAHA.
Dad trying to act cute again!!
All the polaroids taking on that day! YUMZ.