Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Photo spam - GT number 2 : Chickan.

 With her head chopped off.

 BEST SINGER - as quoted by herself.

 With her favorite baguette.

 Girl Guides!

 Her forever 'hwatttt' pose.

 Forever covering her face.

 her twist and stone smile with mouth close.

 The 'what the hell are you doing, stupid Jocelyn' 's face.

 Always getting bullied by that bitch beside her.

 Her gong face.

 And here is her expression when she do a jump shot.

 Mei nian jian ren.

 Another weird pose by her.

 Her WTF face after looking at the receipe. 

 Her nua face.

 Her hardworking face.

 Her cute face after seeing what pang got for her.

 Attending a funeral yet so happy. (cheng's hair!!)

 Her princess hair.

 her act cool face.

 her sian face.

her 'i am blowing a candle' 's face.

 her 'bang' face.

 her stone face.

 her face when she couldn't win anything from the machine.

 her 'i am falling' look.

 her sleepy face despite the no resting notice.

 her funny face.

 another funny face!

 her usual smile.

 her being super weird to suggest taking photo at a construction site.

 her i dont know what face.

 her awkward face.

 her happy face!

 her 'i am eating' face.

 her tired look.

 her 'i am going to eat now' 's face.

 her eating face.

 her 'my head is itchy' face.

 her ewww face.

 her 'i dont want to take a picture' face.

 her forever alone's face.

 her face captured with someone she hate behind.

 her 'whooosh' face.

 her act cool face.

 her 'i am happy because i'm taking a photo with sinhuay' 's face.

 her expressionless and cheese face.

 her 'i have long fingers that can blocked the camera' 's face.

 her candid face.

 her happy face again!

 her 'let's take a photo in front of the lift' face

 her 'let's pose with the toilet sign behind' 's face.

 her unprepared face.

 her super unglam and messy look.

 her smile.

 her 'my ass is itchy' look HAHAHA.

 her poker face.

 her 'i'm still eating this despite the fact that it is disguisting' 's face.

her ouch face.

And so, this is Shalyn Kan Yi Xian.
This woman is the funniest thing ever and the most nua and laziest person ever. 
I miss going out with her and just taking random shots of everything. 
It's embarassing to go out with her sometimes, but it will always be fun.
She is probably the most helpful friend ever, in terms of school work. 
She is always getting praised by teachers but never show off to anyone and she is not even proud of her own achievement.
She is probably the most 'bo chup' person ever.
You may see her as someone you won't want to make friends with because of her gong and qian bian face, but that's not her! haha.
She may look cold hearted but she is always buying tissue and helping the old aunties and uncles every time she can that it touched me.
She may look strong on the outside, but that's not her. She covers her face every time during a horror movie.
OK, so I haven't seen this person for like 2 to 3 weeks already.
Lucky for her, she is going to stop working soon.
Aww, let's go out to take photos and go shopping soon! <3

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