Thursday, June 9, 2011


Hi night-owls. I'm still awake at this hour despite the fact that there's school at 8am tomorrow. Oh well. Although I dread school a lot, it was fun for the past two days. Random gossips, talks, and lots of laughters. Anyway, school still suck big times, esp tomorrow, since school ends at 4pm because of fnn. FML. And to make things worst, there's bloody amaths test on Friday. Shoot me. Guarantee chop chop fail with flying colors. Tee hee. I'm feeling so happy and high right now, because I've a few dates this weekends!!! No, that's not the main point. The thing is, there's two horror movies out in the cinema. One was the one I mentioned about in the previous post, and the other is just out today!!! Omg, so excited to watch it. Hopefully will be able to watch it this weekends. Both are rated NC-16. Hahahaha. Always feel so proud about it because my birthday is over, and I'm 16!!! Ok la, actually my birthday was over like months ago. But I haven't even watch any NC-16 movie yet! Anyways, currently texting P now. It's so fun to text that woman. She mentioned 'bth' in one of the text and I was like, huh? In the end, it means buey tahan. Wth. Bth her can. And this woman killed don't know how many of my brains cells, because I was thinking so hard what to get her for her birthday. It's really not easy ok, since I don't think I've the time to hand-made her a present. If not she will definitely be so touched till she cry. Hahahaha. Self comfort. Ok, I'm off <3 will update soon.

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