Monday, June 6, 2011


Spent time at Grandaunt's house yesterday, hearing the adults rant about stuffs. It's kind of funny actually. Ok so, the first week of the June holidays are officially over. Damn, three more weeks left. No wait, it doesn't even feel like the holidays, like I said in my previous post. Because of school, holidays has been cut down to two weeks. Yes, i've to kept emphasizing on it, because these two weeks of extra lessons probably won't do me any good, please. Why not let me have these two weeks to catch up on my sleep, and study at home myself. It would have been much better than waking up early, to travel to school for lessons (which might not even bring me any good la). And heading home, but am already too tired to even study = end up wasting time to sleep. Before anybody knows it, one day is gone. Seriously, I find no point in going to school if it is for a subject I can study on my own, because it is purely memorizing. Maths lessons still acceptable la, but what for go back for like SS? Science? Just read textbook can already what. Dreading school a lot nowadays, why? I also don't know. So, I was absent from school today. No, it wasn't on purpose. It was mainly because I wasn't feeling that well for school because I didn't sleep well last night. I was kind of shocked that mum actually allowed me to give school a miss today *insect big smile* :) so, I thought that I was able to sleep a little longer. But no, I was wrong. I had trouble sleeping after feeling so pressurize to wake up for school. As I was lazing and rolling around my bed, I suddenly heard somebody calling my mum's name. The voice was coming from my front door. For once, I thought it was her friend, who probably wanted to pass her something. Hm, but ok. I was lazy to get out of bed. Minutes later, the same voice called my mum's name again. I was getting a little irritated. People here trying to sleep leh. I heard that my aunt was talking to somebody, so it was my neighbor. This is what happened : somebody stole my aunt's shoe. Kind of ridiculous, but my aunt told me that it was some expensive shoes that she left outside and forgot to keep. So my neighbor witnessed it, and called the police. I don't know whether I should call her helpful? Or kaypo? Cause she is like those kaypo type. I was kind of amazed that the police could arrive in such a short time, and caught the their. Pei Fu, pei fu. I've always thought that it'll be cool to be a police, like maybe CID! Then then, I tried to sleep again. 10 mins after I fell asleep, the phone ring. Bloody teacher called me to ask me why I didn't go school. What's with kaypo people nowadays. *faceslam* Ok, so after I woke up, I did the laundry and stuffs. Initial plan to study failed. Sucks man. Everytime mum is not at home, I will take the opportunity to slack. Why am I becoming more like my brother? Damnnnz. Please be back soon mum. And and, it's June already, which means that Os are just around the corner. School tomorrow again, fmlfmlfmlfml. Bye peeps. Happy vesask dayyyy!

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