Saturday, June 4, 2011


Finally back to blogging after a hectic week of Chinese Os, English prelim oral, FNN Os cooking exam and school. Despite the start of the school holidays, it doesn't even feel like it is the holidays yet, because of school. Even though school starts later and end earlier everyday now, until next Friday, school still suck. Anyway, Chinese Os was okay. One paper down, yet it doesn't even make me feel less stressful. Eww. And after practicing for FNN cooking for quite sometimes, finally feel less troubled by it already, since it is over. It was okay, I guess. But because of some stupid Chemistry teacher, we were nearly late for the cooking, and had only 10 mins to prepare rather than 45 mins -.- pics up next time! GSS has just started last week, and hopefully, more shopping! :) Trying hard to study and enjoy life during the weekends nowadays. But it seems like everytime I try to study, I'll end up sleeping. OK, this post is getting really boring. So bye for now.

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