Monday, May 9, 2011


Here to update a short post!
Using itouch currently, so no pictures.
I know I'm a bit late, but happy belated mother's day to all the mama, and most importantly, my own mum. love this woman who have been caring and showering me with love for the past 16 years. Most importantly, the pain and torture she suffered from for the 10 months before I was born. This woman is really very weida! Love her many many. This woman devoted herself to my family ever since the day she marry my laopa. And she've been spending years of her life in my family, taking care of us, cooking for us, washing our clothes for us, making sure that we have money for our meals everyday, etc.. etc.. This woman is really really really very weida. Even with her constant nagging, scolding. I know that she still care a lot for our family. There's no words to describe her love for us, and my love for her. I love you mum! 爱你 xx

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