Monday, May 23, 2011

(Y) pickup lines.


(insect many many love)
so basically the weekends flew by in the blink of an eye, like usual.
every time i used this phrase, i will be thinking of dear Kan, in my mind.
this girl always tries to blink her eyes, as though time will just fly pass every time she blinks her tiny little eyes, that could barely be seen.
ok, so it's just another week closer to MT Olvls/Olvls/Prelims.
to be exact, MT olvls is next monday, just 7 days away.
MT homework and drills everyday, is seriously killing me.
However, it's still so much better than normal curriculum, which is like a hell loads more boring.
anyway, i feel like killing myself so badly every single time I thought of how I just wasted my weekends away, slacking.
I didn't even complete my chinese homework, because I spent most of my time sleeping, eating, using my itouch or phone, just because my mum is not at home, and I declared it to be 'Freedom day'
back to my main aim for blogging today - ranting?
ok, so i visited NSK for my follow-up appointment just last friday.
I was feeling really pissed off by some people who came late for their appointment, yet they were in front of me, even though I came first.
People should seriously be more PUNCTUAL.
I know I can't say much, because I am usual late for dates, BUT hell, this is not a DATE, eww.
ehem, so this time round, I was pretty much convinced that NSK might be useful for curing some of my skin problems, because the doctor this time round was pretty good.
Unlike the first two doctors, who was so irresponsible and lousy, because the first doctor prescribed me some medicine that I had already eaten before, but was of no use. The second doctor was even worst, he told me to eat some medicine that was of no use for another few months. If I would have listened to him, I would have die already.
So, after a proper check, and the doctor realised that actually those two/three types of medicine that I ate the previous times were of no use -.-
I would have nearly died of consuming too much medicine, but thank god, I didn't.
ok, so I was basically convinced after he did some skin scrubbing???
to obtain my skin, and finally found out what my problem was.
he told me that marks on my arms were not ACNE, but some YEAST.
How gross is that.
he prescribed some new medicine, and I was so happy, because it might cure these YEAST, like finally.
after eating it, however, I was suay enough to realise that there was this weird smell that kept coming out from my body. it was seriously gross.
it smells like medicine, plus maybe gas (my aunt said so), and herbal (zee said so).
you can't exactly imagine it, but two words - CAN DIE.
the smell totally killed my mood to do anything, because whenever I tried to do my homework or something, I CAN SMELL IT AND OMG I FEEL LIKE VOMITING.
I need to avoid taking public transport home, because the smell was totally horrible on the bus.
Even after spamming powder and deodorant, I still stink.
Mood-killer, ok bye.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

' If you're not happy, life has no meaning. '
Do I look scary enough?!
blogging while doing my strawberry-flavoured mask.
btw, the mask really smells like strawberry! if only it can be eaten. they should invent this mask that can be eaten after we use it, even though it sounds pretty gross.
anyway, Strawberries contain salicylic acid that rids the skin of dead cells, makes your skin pores smaller and your face look brighter and shinier. They gently refresh and exfoliate the skin, remove impurities, and reduce redness and swelling, which is wonderful for a cleansing and skin softening facial mask!!
therefore, strawberry mask can :
  • reinforce your skin's resisting capability to environmental stress
  • provide excellent allergy soothing, appeasing, preventing and relieving functions
  • strengthen skin immune capability
  • whiten skin
currently using Goggle Chrome, and it is kind of good.
Life has been kind of boring, yet fun. Contradicting much.
Chinese intensive drill today was seriously (three words to describe - horrible, terrible, vegetable) omg, it' was so boring.
seriously, it's sick man.
not to mention that, we're gonna have chinese homework every single day.
off to remove my mask, xx.

Monday, May 16, 2011


five posts for today, mamamia~


I love my dad. I love my mum. I love my aunt. My dad looks so sexy in the photo, wth.

this will be the second last post or last post for today, before I hit the books.
So yesterday, was my virgin attempt on pedicure and medicure.
Ok, I sound so bloody vain because I went to do my nails even when I'm still having sch.
Even though my hands and legs felt smoother, because of the scrub, and lotion and stuffs, it wasn't as exciting as I expected it to be.
Orange toe nails, and transparent with pink shimmers finger nails.
orange is definitely not my colour, but it's ok, time for something new.
the workers there are super friendly and good, the lady boss there is very generous too.
basically, the workers even helped me and my aunts to wear our shoes (a bit too, errr..)
had steamboat at HEYHEY, a shop opened by Terence Chow.
the soup was fricking awesome, but the chilli and stuffs was OK only.
feeling hungry still, bought Subway home.
my appetite has been really big lately, and i've been lazing around nowadays, so that explains why i've been putting on a lot of weight. man, so going to hit 60kg soon, ew.
i'm used to eating supper and stuffs at night, but for no reason, my stomach began to ache after I ate my two dinner.
at first, I thought it was because my period is going to start.
but hell no, the pain did not stop after like hours, and I had trouble sleeping because the pain was horrible terrible vegetable. I had to wake my aunt up in the middle of the night, but she was so sweet! She kept checking to see whether I am ok, and even woke up to find medicine for me to eat. She gave me gastric medicine, as she suspected that it was gastric. I felt so dumb, because I don't even know what it was. It was just painful. But that was because I've never had gastric before laaa. I didn't expect gastric to be such a torture, even worst than menses cramp or stomach pain, even though people around me are always suffering from gastric.
TA, that explains why I decided to give school a miss today, because I only slept at like 4.30am.
Ok, mum is back.
Shall hit the books now.
The feeling that there's no school tomorrow is fricking great, and Wednesday marks the start of the mother tongue intensive drills for 2 weeks. Can faint la please.

Watched this movie on Friday with the girls. Jo was going crazy and kept saying 'so cute' for everything that the male character did. However, I will rate the movie 2.5/5. Not that interesting, as the storyline was kind of expected, and it's a pretty short movie of 85 minutes. Starring Vanessa Hudgens, Alex Pettyfer, it's a movie categorised under Romance. Basically, this show is all about an edgy teen romance about learning how to see past false surfaces to discover true inner beauty. It's somehow like Beauty and the Beast, as the characters fall in love with each other, despite the ugly look of Kyle Kingson (Alex Pettyfer) after being turned from having a wealthy and good looking guy, to someone who is ugly. Then, he had to search for someone who love him for who he is, and not for his appearance... Go catch the movie if you want, but I can say that it's not very worth it. It'll be more recommended for couples!

small eyes ftw

P's house again on saturday! and today is 16th, happy 26mths <3 loveyou.

dearest bro turns fourteen!

You were so cute when you were young, like seriously, awww!!!
And now, so qianbian!!

Finally a photo of us, after so long.

First polaroid together <3

So, like the title said, last week was my brother's birthday. this asshole finally turned fourteen, and yeap. mini celebration with a cake like always, because he's unlucky enough to be born in May, which marks the start and end of the Midyear exams. therefore, no big celebration. HAHA. anyway, I am going to type a little message for him, even though he probably won't be reading it, but who cares :

HI BRA, I've known you for like 14 years already, and to me, you're really a 'not bad' brother, even though you never fails to piss me off, but you're really nice and sweet at times, buying me food, drinks and things sometimes. However, I hate it when you refused to take pictures with me! I guess I don't really know you that well, even though I've known you for 14 years! I hope that you enjoyed your mini celebration, and stay happy always. Study hard and stop slacking and pissed mum and dad off. Oh, and the above pictures of us <3<3. So long since we last took a picture together. Look at your own face, I bet you wanted to smile because you felt so honoured to be able to take a picture with me HAHAH. So stop acting cool.

Aiya, i don't know what to say seriously. It's supposed to be a very touching message, but I failed. FACESLAM. Anyway that day at 12am sharp, I sent him a very touching message, but he fricking did not reply me, claiming that my text was too erxin, because I put stuffs like 'love you' 'muacks'. Sounds like incest right, but HELL NOOOO.

One week since I last blogged, so, I'm gonna do a few posts xx.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Here to update a short post!
Using itouch currently, so no pictures.
I know I'm a bit late, but happy belated mother's day to all the mama, and most importantly, my own mum. love this woman who have been caring and showering me with love for the past 16 years. Most importantly, the pain and torture she suffered from for the 10 months before I was born. This woman is really very weida! Love her many many. This woman devoted herself to my family ever since the day she marry my laopa. And she've been spending years of her life in my family, taking care of us, cooking for us, washing our clothes for us, making sure that we have money for our meals everyday, etc.. etc.. This woman is really really really very weida. Even with her constant nagging, scolding. I know that she still care a lot for our family. There's no words to describe her love for us, and my love for her. I love you mum! 爱你 xx

Saturday, May 7, 2011

everytime i sit in front of the computer at night or during midnight, with the lights off, i will feel that there are many many insects around me. i don't know, insects are usually active at night when humans are asleep, they will be out to hunt for food. so, my legs is feeling kind of itchy. i suspect that it is an insect, but there is nothing. gah, stupid disguisting creatures. so, it's 12.30am. everyone in my family is already pigging, and i'm just done with my english essay, yahoo. initially someone wanted to talk on the phone with me, but that pig is pigging right now too. i have no idea what to do now. the night is still young. i feel like studying, but there's no good spots in my house for me to study at, and i hate that. maybe i should go to the airport at midnight to study! doesn't this sound like a good idea? perhaps i can ask my dearest P and J along too! then we can study, eat and talk! and we will study till the following morning, and eat a good breakfast before we head home to sleep! sounds pretty fun. but ohwell, i doubt my parents will allow. they're afraid that their poor daughter won't get enough sleep, or that something might happened to me. damn. hmm, so i just texted P and J. i expected them to reply me very quickly, because they're probably mugging for their midyear's right now. but no, they didn't reply me :( what should i do now?! ok, i will post some pictures, but shucks. the 'add image' button seems to have some kind of problem, eww. so, there's no school until Tuesday. the feeling is really great. no monday blues! yippe.
i am hungry, got to go now. shall go use tumblr or sleep.
bb peoplez.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Seeing all this pictures make me drool.
Craving for sweet food now.
No wonder they always say that girls have sweet tooth xx.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

personal reflections and thoughts - regrets.

blogging once again.
just gonna blog about some issues, so this is gonna be a long post.
something bad happened today that left me very speechless, i don't know whether i'm feeling upset, sad, guilty, regret.
but probably, a mixture of all the emotions.
it doesn't seem like a very big issue, but i have learnt a lot from it, at least.
and that also explains why i've decide to block my blog, and only allow certain peeps to view it.
so ya, as most of you know, this is a newly created blog.
all the while, i've always been updating on my previous blog.
i rant, scold, or whatever on that blog, which i have been using for the past three years.
being just a normal kid/girl/student or whatever in school, i've always been updating my previous blog, thinking that only my closer friends have the link to it. i guess i have forgotten that i placed my link on stupid facebook, or as my blog can easily be access by anyone, as it is open to public. some person, maybe my hater, teacher, i don't know. even though i don't think i've any haters, because i've always been the quiet one in school, and am only noisy and talkative when i'm with my closer friends. i don't think i've offended anyone, because for a person with my personality, i don't really scold, criticize or whatever people i don't really know. so i am quite puzzled over this incident.
so yeap, after much explaination, some might be wondering what exactly happened right?
the issue may be like a 'oh, chey, like that only' to some peeps, but no, for me.
so it all happened in february, which was like 2-3 months ago.
to me, this particular teacher A have always 'aimed' on me.
i don't know, it may be a feeling perhaps.
having a high tolerance, i can easily tolerate things that does not go beyond my limit.
teacher A have always scold me for my 'sloppy' attire (this is what she claimed), or messy attire, i don't know. she called me lian before, and yeah, always pestering me because of my attire.
i was really really irritated after tolerating it for at least a year already.
i don't know what i was thinking at that point, perhaps i just want to rant about it, thinking that no one actually reads my 'typical-singaporean-girl-sian-sian-talk-about-her-life-blog', i decided to blog and scold this particular teacher on my blog.
like I said, it was two months ago.
it may seem like a pretty short time, but no, i am sure that i have grew a lot more mature in terms of my thinking and behaviour in this two short months.
so yeap, i started to blog and scold her about my blog.
my words were really really mean, it just doesn't seem like something i will write.
but eventually, i still did, out of anger.
and today, this issue came back to haunt me.
i was called by teacher A.
surprised, obviously.
at first, i thought it was about my results, so, just a little bit afraid.
until she handed me this booklet, that says 'confidential'.
sounds kind of scary for a person like me with weak heart.
so i opened up the booklet...
the first page states my email address and some other words.
my first thought was : dang, did i email her something that i shouldn't. maybe it was some virus, and i probably have unintentionally spam her mail, and she just want to clarify it.
it was not until at the second page...
my blog post appeared.
the entire blog post, and the whole chunk of me scolding her, was highlighted.
i didn't know what i was thinking at that instance, because i was too horrified.
i continued flipping the pages, and i saw a photo of me and my cousins.
dang, the person must have hate me to the core, that he/she have included a picture of me and my cousins. wow wow wow.
amazing huh?
don't wanna elaborate much here..
so, i looked at her and said : ya, i wrote tht.
yes, intergrity is the most important right.
furthermore, i can't deny anymore at tht point of time.
so, i guess she was really disappointed and upset with me, because in her eyes, i have always been the good, quiet and hardworking student.
she explained some stuffs to me, putting down her pride, that's what she said.
i know that i'm in the wrong, but i seriously don't mean it.
yes, i may be like 16 years old already, but humans make mistakes right?
i'm sure that i'll learn from it.
part of a growing up process, i hope.
so.. i typed a letter of apology/reflection or whatever you call that to her just now.
i hope that she won't pursue this matter, because olvls is everything i wanna concentrate on now.
thousands or millions apologises won't be of use now, especially if i have already hurt her so hard and so badly.
but still, i sincerely apologized, and hope that this matter will stop for now.
so yeah, this is what happened.
lesson learnt.
to end this, the internet is really a super duper scary place.
people you don't know may just get hold of your inormation, or something you wrote via the net.
so, do think twice before acting. don't end up like me.
teacher A killed my mood to study, even though there's physics test tomorrow.
but this is life, this is life, i've to accept it, and face the mistakes i've made.
really appreciate those peeps that tried to talk to me, and help me.
esp my lovelove : tan, kan and cheng.
appreciated it very much, love you peeps.
off to study now xx.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

And my face look so fricking oily -.-
Good friday :)
My life have been boring, so my blog post will be boring too!
Gonna wait for photobucket uploader to load, then I will upload some pictures taken with P last week. Yes, P again.
Labour day holiday tomorrow.
Yesterday was spent slacking, studying, and going out for dinner.
Anyway, 3rd time cooking for my FNN olvls today.
Much improvements esp in the timing.
Besides the usual people, got 2 more person came to PONG CHANG TODAY!!!
Haha, spam so many pictures on taking the food AGAIN.
And took some pictures with my dearest family <3 <3.
with them, they will always be endless laughters! lovelove.
yeap, wonder how i am gonna spend my time tomorrow!
P wanted to jio me out to Science Centre, because her dad got free tixs.
But noo, it'll be waste of time.
Study date with Kan and Cheng is cancelled.
breakfast with aunt perhaps? provided i can wake up.
yessss, that means i can get a chance to buy gongcha again!
pb's uploader is such a bitch, because it's so effing slow.
hehe, so while everyone is stressing/complaining/last min studying for thier MYE.
i feel so relax!!!
yeah, because I only for 2 language paper for this MYE, and it's already over!
*jump around*
but wait, prelim is just round the corner, whattheshinz.
andand, chinese olvls is in 28/29 days' time.
*panic* hell, but there's nothing much to study for chinese.
bought two olvls chinese assessment books in the start of the year, and until now, it's still untouched.
okayz, my pics are ready!