Tuesday, June 24, 2014


listening to music never makes me feel more relax and gets me thinking of so many things!
I realized that I'm always listening to music whenever I'm updating my blog.
Today I felt extremely guilty.. it's not something big but it caused some happiness between my family (my dad and aunt mainly) and I feel that I was the one who caused the unhappiness partially.

Basically, at random times, there are always strangers/people selling ice-cream/people asking for donations who just randomly appeared at your doorsteps if you are living in a HDB right, and these people will usually try to see whether anyone is at home for them to approach. So today's afternoon, someone came by my doorstep, as described by my mum (some plump guy) and I was actually sitting at my dining table so I can't be seen. This guy actually tried to converse with my mum and asked him whether her kids are at home, and my mum said no, and one funny part I remembered was when this guy asked my mum "Auntie, you eating dinner ah? My mum doesn't speak English and she isn't English educated either, so she replied "no, doing something". I found that quite funny la, since my mum usually don't speak English and her reply was really cute. So this guy said that he will come back again later on.

Ok, so I thought that he wanted to do some survey with my mum's kids or something but halfway while watching television with my Auntie, this guy came back again. My aunt went out and they talked for quite long like around 10-15 mins, blabbering quite a lot of crap and I thought it must have been some survey thing. I couldn't hear because I was focusing on watching the TV and I am a bad multi-tasker plus the television was loud.

I've always known that my aunt is those really easily convinced type. Someone says something (Esp about donation or buying ice cream and shit, she will always buy). Not that it is a bad thing, or call my stingy, I've always felt that money should be spend wisely! What I meant by wisely doesn't refer to saving every cents here and there and been very unwilling to spend money, but instead, spend on things that you like/wants, or people you love. I have always believe in that, especially when it comes to family. But my aunt on the other hand, just get convinced so easily that sometimes it gets kind of bad. I mean, donation is good.
BUT in recent years, there are so many people who goes around lying to get donation/people to buy things from them. It is everywhere!

When you walk into the shopping mall, there will be people who just approach you to donate $10 to charity. I used to believe that as well and if that was the me many years ago, I would have donated. But not now because personally feel that this is getting way too common. It is not as if I doubt about the donation to the charity, but how many percent of the money do they actually donate to charity, seriously? 50% of it? 20% of it? Or even $1 out of the $10 maybe? Just my own assumption, but seriously, in this competitive world that we are living in (We are talking about Singapore, our living expenses are consider pretty high as compared to many countries out there), I mean, who would go around trying to get donation from people for free, right? Especially when most of the people who are asking for donations will usually start off by saying either that they have a family/old people at home that they need to take care off? Or they just came out from jail/homes and they want to turn over a new leaf? Some of it may be true, but IMO, I've always felt that isn't getting a job better? Using donation as an excuse, it makes it sound like the person have got a big charitable heart.

So back to what I was saying, after he talked to my aunt for quite some time, I saw my aunt went to her room to take her wallet. (This always happens.) There is barely any time that she actually just reject the person and walk back to the couch to watch her TV. When I was younger, I don't really care. But today, when I saw that she was taking her wallet HER CREDIT CARD esp, I hurried to her room and asked her what the person wants, and she told me it was some monthly donation and $50 per month if I didn't hear correctly.

I know it isn't my business, but I tried to stop her and convinced her not to donate. Maybe to her, she can afford that money, and she don't find any harm in donating. She brushed me off and told me that it can be cancelled after 3 months. (I know that there is a high chance she won't cancel it). She didn't care about me, and so the really annoying and kpo me went to my parent's room and tell my parents. My dad immediately rushed to the door and saw that the guy was holding on to my aunt's IC and writing down her particulars. My dad flared up and I could hear from the room because I was in his room. He tried to get back my aunt's IC from that guy, and the guy told him that he wasn't selling anything. Dad was really angry and he told the guy that every single person who approaches him tells him that, and added that it is donation isn't it. Dad was really angry with aunt for "always doing this type of thing". Haven't seen him flare up for quite a long time.

So that's it, I think they are pretty unhappy with each other now. I know both of them has their own intention. Dad is a taxi-driver, and I know every cent that goes into his pocket isn't easy at all. Before he even starts earning, he has to cover his daily rental fee for the cab and also the petrol money. His income is quite unstable and it depends on luck actually. On some days, he may earn more. And on other days, he may not be earning that much. So I understand why Dad is so angry at my aunt. It's not his money but he sees how his sister has to wake up early everyday for work, it's really tiring. Yet she just spend her money without thinking all the time. While for my aunt, she is that type that she will donate money if she feels that she can afford, like why not? She doesn't find any harm in doing donation even though she knows that she may be at the loss end, the person may be just cheating her, she will still donate. Two different thinking that sparked off unhappiness, and indirectly, I caused it. Bad part was that both of them are now unhappy with each other, while the good part was that my aunt didn't donate in the end. so yay.

My own thoughts and feelings - doing donation is no harm, I mean why not? But for me, I will be more willing to donate to old people/disabled that approached me physically. To me, they are the type of people who requires more help and they don't ask for much either. $1 or $2 at most. Unlike donations whereby you don't see the people who needs help physically and they usually ask for $10 or even $50 just like what happened today. The guy today must have been cursing my dad since he was so near to getting his job settled and some uncle came to disturb hahahah. Oh and I was talking to my dad and until now we still don't get why he asked for my aunt's IC either. My dad feels that IC is a really personal document and she shouldn't just hand hers over to some random strangers. We are guessing that he will probably be asking for her credit card next (luckily he didn't get the chance to). Credit card leh wtf, it is damn personal!

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