Tuesday, June 24, 2014

please come back already

a brand new day and so it is the 24th of June.
tuesday is gonna pass,
wednesday is gonna pass,
thursday morning and afternoon is gonna pass,
and fatty will be back on thursday night.

haven't seen him for close to two weeks already and it is the longest time that we have been separated (in a way) and I miss seeing him everyday so much! Sometimes we see each other so often that we don't really say "I miss you" to each other very often but this time it is really long!

the feeling is kind of numb already though, the first few days was super horrible! I'm that type that hates the goodbye moment and the first few days of it but eventually I feel pretty ok and am quite used to waking up at around 1pm everyday to talk to him while he shower/eat his breakfast/before he leaves for his tour of the day and doing my own things before talking to him again usually 12-14 hours later when he is back in the hotel. so I usually stay up and we talk till around 5am SG timing usually or even later like 6-7am! Leading such an unhealthy lifestyle for two weeks already and I am so used to it! now I don't even feel tired at night though I no longer wake up pass 2 or 3pm! oops except for the Saturday that just passed! I woke up to talk to fatty and went back to sleep until like 5pm x.x

felt like talking a little about this really special person in my life right now and I hope he will always be (so mushy) hahahha. but honestly, he is like the best ever. I've never expect to find someone who is willing to do so much for me, remember so much about me (all the little details here and there), really dote on me, care about me unconditionally, making sure the stubborn me get enough sleep (though he usually can't control my bedtime hehe), travelling here and there for me.

Did I mention that this dummy actually went to the airport to send me off the other day? I was so unwilling for him to do that, I mean, what's the point whn he stays at Lakeside and the Airport is in the east and the journey to and fro will take at least 3-4 hours? and we only get to see each other for less than an hour or maybe an hour? this silly is really. So he went to the airport and had Mac Breakfast w me and I forgot that I didn't have money in my wallet some more! So he paid for it. And saying goodbye was so tough, especially at the airport. you know, saying goodbye at the airport always make me sad. though it wasn't a long good bye, thank goodness. it was not as if either one of us is going to another country to stay there for good or to study there for months! whoop whoop

and what makes him more silly was that we were waving goodbye when I enter the departure hall, and kept looking back at him when I was queuing to get my passport checked, and when I was getting my passport checked, and even after I wanted to wave my last goodbye to him before I went to the duty free store. Was looking around for things I want to buy and whatsapping him at the same time. Normal people would have be gone after the last goodbye right?! but this silly boy was still standing there even after 10-15 mins and only after that that he told me he was still there in case I want to wave goodbye to him for the last time. how silly and sweet ah this fatty.

reminds me of the times when we go out or when he is sending me off to go home, whereby recently he had been really stubborn and always insist on accompanying me to take the train home/to someone closer to me even when we are in the West or worst still, at Lakeside which is his house area?! yet he always insist on taking the train with me though it always pissed me off because I really want him to go home and rest. I mean, what's the point of travelling here and there right?! and when he alight, he will always stand at the door and wait for the train to pass and wave his last goodbye of the day to me. this boy ah.

can't remember whether I blogged about it but sometimes he give me random surprises at my block. crazy one! there was once we were going for bowling at Clementi and he crazily traveled to Bedok, my house downstairs somemore to find me?! and we traveled back to Clementi again. and back to Bedok again because he wanted to have 85 BCM for dinner. crazy crazy one! next time he get his license he can travel all his wants and fetch me more ok, fatty

and he will write card for me every month. so sweet sobsob. oh and the other day he copied my idea (that I didnt use in the end) to send a letter to my house while he was overseas! it arrived in my letterbox last week and I didn't even expected it. only realized what it was after seeing our photos that he included! <3 <3

all these little details and so many more! never fail to make me feel so love! <3

two random photos taken about 2-3 months back!

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