Wednesday, June 18, 2014

link from this to this and this

ugh this is quite annoying. been trying to blog since yesterday but ended up just deleting the blogpost because I got lazy halfway.
it's night time right now! probably the only time that I will be blogging! so much thoughts running through my mind and so much things I feel like blogging about but I don't know where/how do I start, hmmmm..
Okay, so my holidays have been pretty okay so far and I don't know whether I should consider it as well spent though! Though I truly felt that the holidays can be better if the client can just let us off.. indeed tedious and a chore to travel all the way to meet them on a weekly basis. I mean, it is our holidays after all. Yes, we were supposed to do our work, but at the same time, give us a break damn it. I can't stop whining about this but FYP sucks so bad.

Spent loads of quality time with fatty during the holidays, as usual. Going to school, watching movies, going to GYM... my new found activity that I really enjoys it and I love going to the GYM! Started gyming in around second week of May I think. I have always wanted to visit the gym but didn't really have the courage to enter one especially the public gyms.. since they are always so packed!

I remember once when zee and I wanted to visit the public gym at Bedok. I was really motivated during that period (last year) and I work out at least thrice per week mainly running and doing home exercises! Home exercises are really great! they can make me sweat so much within 3 minutes or even lesser no joke. But I hate the fact that I still haven't gotten my yoga mat since I wanted to buy one donkey years ago since it is really painful to lie on the floor and working out on it! harmful for the back I guess and when I sweat on the floor, there will be a really disgusting sweat mark on the floor!

But yeah! I finally finished the gym with fatty about one month back and we went to the public gym at Pioneer! It wasn't too bad though the first one or two session I felt pretty awkward since the gym was pretty packed and I didn't know too much about working out in the gym and getting in the right form for the different workout. Thanks to fatty for patiently guiding me through though! So far we have had 5 gym sessions together!
Leg day x2
Back day x2
Arm day x1
Will usually work on the glutes and do cardio at the end of every session as well. Personally I find that I don't sweat that much when I gym! I usually sweat when I do squats though! And cardio, of course!

Leg day is the most enjoyable for me so far because I like to work on my legs! Back day is pretty alright though I almost died on our second back day together. The first one was pretty okay for me but the second one we had was tough. I guess it is probably because of the order/arrangement of the workout! The other day, (Last tuesday) we had our first arm day! it was easy for the start! arm day is quite interesting but boring at the same time! but I was aching so badly from our arm day for around 2-3 days! good ache though, hehe.

So for the past few weeks, I went to the gym with fatty for at least once per week but haven't gone to the gym yet this week and probably not too sure whether I will be going since fatty is away overseas. :(
I just came back from a Bali trip btw! It was a pretty short one I would say, but long enough for Bali, I guess. Didn't quite enjoy the trip very much though because I felt that the time was not well spent :( can't blame it because I went with Auntie Mary and Auntie Annie and they need their rest. Sometimes I feel that I shouldn't get pissed off too easily because I remember I was in quite a bad mood and only felt better on the last day of the trip. The first two days was terrible! I was feeling really down for the whole day after fatty sent me off for my trip because that morning on the 13th June was the last moment I saw him and I will only be seeing him again on the 26th of June odear. I'm not even halfway there.

The trip was booked really last min, like just one week before we flew. Was contemplating for very long whether I should go. I guess the fickle-minded me get affected easily so I went in the end though I regretted my choice not long later. You see, I am flying off on the 13th of June and will only be back on the 16th of June (night time), and fatty will be flying off on the 15th of June to Switz until the 26th of June. I felt that I could have spend 3 more long days with him if I didn't go. Such an OA, ikr.

Now that I'm back home I feel much better already and today was the first day that I spent at home since I was back only yesterday! it wasn't too bad because I had things to do. Since fatty is away in Switz, there is actually a 6 hours time zone difference so when it is 12midnight in Singapore, it is only 6pm in the evening there. I find this kind of annoying! It is like the day is over for me already and it is only evening for him?! And when it is 12midnight for him, it is already 6am at my side which means morning already! (insert angry face)
So I slept pretty late at around 5-6am SG timing last night hehe. It was his first official day of his trip and he is in Paris currently! And I woke up in the afternoon, I think I only had 6 hours of sleep now that I think of it. BUT WHY AM I NOT TIRED AT ALL, this doesn't feel like me!

Today, I feel so damn thankful and touched by things that my parents are willing to do for me. Personally, I feel that I have been such a troublesome daughter. Ever since I hit puberty / in upper primary, I started to grow pimples on the forehead of my face. I remember having really large and ugly pimples unlike majority of my peers with really nice skin. And when I hit lower secondary, pimples started growing on my cheeks instead. terrible terrible but I am so thankful that it is cleared now. And from around sec 2/sec 3, I started to have acne growing/forming on my arms/back. I felt terrible at that period of time. Everyone gets to wear nice sleeveless clothes and I only get to stick with my long sleeve. I know I can easily just wear sleeveless out, but my insecure self always make me feel so self conscious about my arms! Even up till now, there are quite a number of scars left on my arms. It is really not that bad, but can be seen. Honestly, I can't even remember when was the last time I wore sleeveless clothes out and just walk around really freely.

From what I remembered, my parents spent a lot of money since I hit puberty trying to get me to go to the doctor to cure it my acne problems. From visiting polyclinic, to visiting private doctors, to visiting the National Skin Care Centre, to visiting Chinese Doctor and oh, facial too.
From applying cream, apply lotion, controlling my diet, eating medicine, pills, eating chinese bitter medicine etc... My mum usually buys a lot of products for my skin (either face/arms) whenever she hear people say that they are good, and most of them are not cheap. When I was younger, I always hated it when she do that because I hate the trouble of having to use a proper cleanser, to apply things on my face, or even applying some masks for acne and I usually waste her effort and money by using the products for a few days and dumping it there. I feel bad but back then I was only in primary school/lower secondary. And for the consuming of medicine, I remember hearing the doctor says that there will be side effects for the medicine and consuming too much of it may cause liver failure because some are really strong. I remember having to pop pills every single day or even twice a day.. but really, I feel that none of them actually really works for me or maybe idk, I just didn't notice the difference.

There was once in sec 4 whereby I consumed this med for my arms that make me stink so bad. That period of time, I feel bad because people could get a taste of how smelly I was when they come near me. Even zee often complain that I was smelly. So the doctor fees added up to quite a big sum esp when I visited the Skin care centre quite often for about a year or so. I remember dad always driving me and mum there after school and mum will accompany me to wait for my turn to see the doctor and to take the medication and paying for it. Chinese doctor sessions was usually accompanied by my aunt every weekend and after a few months, I stopped going back because the chinese medicine was costly and it wasn't doing much help. Oh and the thing I hated most was going for facial. Luckily I only went twice and rejected going for it TOTALLY every time mum mentions it. Going for facial is torturous, imo. It was really painful especially when I have so much blackhead/acnes/huge pimples on my face, and the after effect will be me ending up looking really horrible because of my reddish face.

And today, we visited this aesthetic clinic. Wanted to make an appt for it since last year Sept but dragged till now. Finally! Went for consultation with the doctor.. waited for around 45 mins though. The doctor suggested Laser! oh it is for my arms and back btw. felt as if I wasted my parents money by trying to treat with it with so many methods but I could have done Laser earlier on! Went with mum and dad drove us there. I know I wanted to do it so badly after the doctor told us about it.. just imaging myself not having to wear long sleeve under the hot sun and being able to wear sleeveless just makes me really happy. However, it is not cheap at all. 4 treatments done in a month at the price of $1000, and 10 treatments done in around 4 months at the price of $2288 which doesn't include the heavy GST of 7%. I told mum that I don't mind paying it myself, but my dad is paying for it. I feel so touched, really. He told me that he doesn't mind paying for it as long as it can be cured. :(

I know my parents are not rich. Every cent they make is really not easy at all. My dad, he has to sit in the cab for so so many hours pay day. It is really an unhealthy job and he meets many different kinds of people every single day, and he usually comes home with many stories to tell! Suddenly remember the other time when Kan wants to interview my dad for her assignment and he started talking about his stories. :) As for mum, she works really hard and her money doesn't come easily as well. But what I feel touched about is their selfless love for my brother and I. My mum barely spend on clothes or even anything, but when she goes out with us, we will always have a nice meal together and sometimes she will buy things for us though she may not be the most generous mum out there. As for my dad, he is really a nice man. He doesn't spend money either and mainly only on buying us nice food and also on beer because he enjoys drinking, yet he only buy those really cheap beer. :/ I mean, with the amount of money for the laser, it could have been well spent somewhere on other things or even just saving it. But, I am thankful, really.

And I almost forgot when I told my parents I wanted to get my braces. My dad is always the really supporting one and brought me to the dental on one of his off day straight, and we decided on getting braces in less than a week and he was the one who brought me and accompanied me to the X-ray, my pre consultation, first consultation and some occasional consultation though he usually just complains to my dental about me hmm. And braces doesn't come in cheap as well, it is about $4000 or so. My dad was cracking a joke today and saying that when we moved back home (I wanted to renovate my room and already have a rough idea how I want my room to look), he says that my bed that I am getting is just getting lower and lower. From the bed itself with the frame, to without the frame, mattress etc because of all these money spent on me. I am really excited to move back home but it is gonna be really tedious and without the support of the rental, dad is going to have to work really hard and by then, I will be going to a university which means the big sum of school fees that we have to pay. Thankful for my aunt too because she have actually paid an amount for my braces as well. Every month, she will place $100 on my table for my monthly consultation fee. It is the little things my loved ones do that make me feel really touched. I know for sure that I am going to work extra hard (with a pea brain) and treat them really well in the future. I may not be able to give them much now but I definitely will in the future.

Don't even know how I just keep typing so much for the past one hour and drafted such a long post. I really find myself such a long winded person and I can just link from one thing to another and just go on and on and on HAHA. Haven't even finish mentioning about my Bali trip and I linked it to other things. My aunt paid for my Bali trip and it wasn't cheap either! There wasn't much things to buy there but I managed to get a couple of clothes that wasn't cheap because it was from the normal brands. Bought a top from MNG, a romper from Bershka, two top from Billabong and a dress from this brand in Bali called Anywhere. Wanted to get a bag and sandals and more stuffs but figured out that all these clothes that I have got added up to almost $200 wtf I just realized.

Gonna be posting some photos for now and if I wanna blog more I shall continue on the next blog post!

 hi us upside down because I can't rotate the photos ugh!

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