Saturday, September 8, 2012


ooh yea, it's September, which means that it is going to be 3 more months before 2012 officially comes to an end. :O
I don't really know what's the purpose of me blogging today, but I just felt like it. 
I haven't been updating about my life for such a long time, I know.

Ok today, I am going to blog, obviously. About what, you may be wondering. Today's blogpost is going to be a post about things that had been running through my mind for some time.. And as I look through my photos, I felt a need that I should blog.

You must be thinking, why do I sound so serious? What exactly is the matter?

This may sound stupid, but I miss my secondary school. I miss my secondary friends, my secondary school teachers, the environment, and just the school. This may not sound very "Sin Huay" because I have always been really excited to start my poly life just a few months ago. But sometimes, I just miss secondary school a lot especially my friends. Yeah, I am talking about you Kan and Cheng. NO, NOT YOU JOCE.

I can say that I have had really awesome, fun loving, funny and entertaining and stupid friends in Secondary School. These group of friends with characters that are so unique which I will never find in my entire life. I know that we no longer see one another everyday, no longer attend lessons together, no longer studying hard for Os together, no longer laughing at each other (esp Kan) during PE games sessions, no longer able to eat together during recess, no longer being able to have our drinking competition, no longer being able to gossip about random people, no longer... too many no longer. this sounds pretty sad.

Nowadays, when we hang out together, we are always talking about our own school lives, our own social circles. All of us have our own clique of friends now in school. Even though we may be in the same school, we don't see each other in school often as well.

I miss the times we shared.
I miss having talks with all of you.
I miss eating cup noodles after school with Huizee.
I miss recess time with you all.
I miss having drinking competition.
I miss bitching about Jocelyn.
I miss discussing about how big our butts are.
I miss going to the water cooler and looking at how slim our legs are.
I miss studying together with all of you.
I miss you all.


this is unglam, and blurr. but whatever.

and some photos taken last week when me and Kan went to Zee's house to pass her her birthday gift.

 Embarrassing Kan sticking the photos on the MRT platform.

 Happy huizee.

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