Sunday, September 30, 2012

Recent things happening in my life.

Oh hey, I have the mood to blog today. Ignore that stupid green tea post, I am just too obsessed with drinking green tea nowadays. So, anyway, I am going to update about the recent things that is happening in my life. If you are my friend, I have probably told you about it. If ya have to read my blog to know, then YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND, BITCH.

Even though I have stated "things", there is actually only one particular thing that I am going to talk about today. What exactly is it? You might be wondering.

I am going to let you think for a few seconds.




OK, if you are smart enough, I am going to talk about the tuition issue today. Just in case you have no idea what is it about because you haven't been seeing me.. I am going to start talking about the entire issue.

During the school holidays, probably about 2-3 weeks ago, I was hunting for a job and I decided that maybe I can give teaching tuition a shot. I mean, no harm trying right? Teaching tuition may sounds pretty stressful and I know my parents and aunt wasn't very encouraging towards this issue because they didn't had confident in me. Besides that, I only have an Olevel qualification, which is pretty sucky because most of the Kiasu Singaporean Parents nowadays are looking for degree holder, bachelor, A level students, current school teachers etc.. to teach their K1/K2/lower primary kids. I mean.... WHAT?! Are you fricking crazy, parents? You are actually willing to pay so much money to get a tutor with super high qualification to teach your small kids? :( you must be out of your mind because you didn't even want to consider an O level student like me to tutor your kids :( 

Ok so, I started looking for a tuition assignment online. I signed up for quite a few tuition websites and a few did contact me, but some of the locations were no, meh. Finally, there was this assignment that caught my eye. It was in the East, at Pasir Ris. I woohoo in my mind because I can finally earn some cash. :)
I was able to get the tuition assignment because the fee the parents offered were pretty low for three subjects - EMC. The kid was in P1 enough. Sounds easy-pessy to me after I  went online to search for P1 papers and gained my confidence in teaching that kid even though my parents were still not supportive. 
I told them that I should give everything a shot because I am still young. 

In case you are not sure of all the tuition rules and shit, the tuition company will actually require each tutor to "pay" them 50% of the fee they earned during their first month. So it means that I will only get 75 bucks for the first month for 8 x 1.5h sessions. And I also have to teach for a minimum for one month, otherwise, they will make me pay them 75% of the fee. I had to sign this "contract", it was dumb because it was just an email.

The day of the tuition finally arrived, I was pretty nervous though. I had a really hard time travelling down to Pasir Ris because the place where the kid stays was so ULU. geez, Pasir Ris is damn big. The whole place was so quiet that it was so freaky! Besides that, the place was pretty inaccessible, this may sound stupid, but I nearly got lost. 

The tuition was okay, but I felt a little stressful because I have to teach a lot of things. Days later, after consideration and discussion with my parents, I decided that maybe I am not good enough to teach the kid. So I came to a conclusion that maybe, I should quit teaching. According to the "contract", I have to pay them 75% of the money. WOW, when I don't even get any money.

I emailed the centre and contacted the parents about quitting but I only got a reply the next day. Pretty irresponsible because they actually took a day to reply me, and when they called me, they demanded payment. I felt that the lady on the phone was actually threatening me because she kept saying that if I do not wish to continue, she will ask her company to take action. It did scares me a little because she kept using that "contract" to get me to pay. Apparently, if I don't pay, they will sue me or something. 

After discussing with my parents and L, I felt much better. Really appreciate them for making me feel better. 

On friday, which was the day before, I checked my mail and saw that they have emailed me to demand payment. I started feeling very pissed off because my intention of quitting was because of the venue and I was also afraid that I am not good enough and may not help the kid to achieve good results. Even though I was at fault for quitting after the first session, all they ask from me is to demand money from me. 

Right, it was stated in the "contract", but the thing that pisses me off is that they kept telling me that I either continue teaching for a month, or pay them the money. A month? RIGHT. It may not sound very long, but it is not short either. Even though I was at fault for taking up the tuition assignment and then quitting, but what was their intention for asking me to teach for a month? YES, it is because they want to earn the 75 bucks. So this centre is actually inhuman, they actually find that the money is more important than the kid. Their intention and values were ALL WRONG. 

It may sound like I am very at fault for quitting, but if you give a thought about it, their intention was MONEY MONEY AND MONEY. I feel very unhappy and angry about this. They may argue that if every single tutor did what I did, then there may be chaos. But if the tutor actually have the balls to quit, it means that they actually care for the student's results. All that the centre cares about was money. And also, it is ridiculous and stupid that everyone will actually do this. This referring to quitting before teaching a month, because why would we be so stupid to quit without getting any money? So that excuse was dumb. 

Ok, so back to that email. They told me that I have to make a payment of $112.50 to the bank, and they even put the bank account number them. Sounds very "not professional" to me. Are they begging me for money? :( just kidding. They threatened me by telling me that if I don't pay up before 3rd Oct, I will be permanently barred for taking any assignments from their company. I will also be blacklisted :( sounds so blogshop and my details will be shared on other websites about how terrible I am sigh. I will also be filed to some court. my life is gone, suresure. 

BLACKLISTED. I am very amazed by this because I went to their website to take a look at their black listed list. It is interesting because they wrote almost the same thing for all the cases, and I highly doubt that all of them did the same thing. They actually criticize the tutors like shit and making the kid with no tutor sounds so miserable. They blamed the tutor and said that the kid studies was affected even though the tutor only started one lesson. Hmm, is that meant to be a joke? They even criticize the tutor by saying that he/she is extremely irresponsible and immature. 

Wow, they actually have so much time to blacklist tutors and criticize them and not reply my email that day :( criticizing seems more important than replying an email. :(

I am going to wait till they blacklist me and then I will check what they write about me. If they just decided to copy and paste the same thing and say that I went MIA and never answer their calls or contact them, I will make sure I do something because that is NOT TRUE at all. I contacted them and I even answered their calls. 

They said that I have breached their "contract" and one dumb thing is that they breached their own "contract". They claim that: Any information given to them will be kept strictly confidential and the party will be consulted if the need arises to revel the information. Ok, you know what they did on the blacklisted website? They actually went to put the tutor's full name, address, IC, mobile, parent's mobile on their website and for the address, IC, mobile, parent's mobile, they just decided to cross out two numbers.

For example: Chai Chee Road, Block 803, #01-2**, and IC: s91234**d, mobile: 812345**.

WHAT THE FUCK? Does crossing out two numbers actually protects our privacy? This centre is pure dumb.

Conclusion: This centre is dumb, immature, money-face, lame, and more.

Lesson learnt: Not to teach tuition anymore because I am dumb. 

Really glad for the advice I got from my parents and L, they kept encouraging me and telling me that nothing's going to happen because I am not legal yet and I don't have to worry. I kept telling dad that I might get sued and he just replied me: "If you get sued/have to go to court, I will go with you okay".

xx what a long post.

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