Saturday, September 24, 2011


I miss tumblr, I wanna use it after Os. Officially 30 more days to Os. Scary much.


Doing mask and remembering the good old times. Ahh~ life.


Let me say goodbye with my bolster! Yes, it's Dora! :D
I have a new bolster btw, this picture was taken some time ago!
Anyway, thanks mum! I've clean bedsheets, new bolster, and nice smelling blanket to accompany me tonight :)
Update soon :)

Just for laugh.

Looking at pictures is a really fun thing to do.
I had a good time laughing at most of the pictures, so I'm just going to post two of them. Hope it did make you laugh?!

One of the picture was taken last year while we were studying for our mid-year? Our face funny not?

Okay, the other one is with Pat and En! ;) taken during 2008. The funny part is that we're so stupid and lame that we decided to take pictures with toilet paper as our prop. Funny???

Ok, post more next time k :)

Cheng hui zee oreos.

I love to look through photos taken in the past and thinking, 'ahhhh, the good old times :)'.

Oreos! Remember this?!?! Funny expressions on both out faces :)
Stay happy always, no matter what! Always here to lend you a listening ear yo. Study hard and let's work towards our goal ok?? :) don't give up halfway! You can do it one! Remember your Chinese results a not? So don't be negative ok!!!! <3 and, drink more water and eat vitamins! FNN students should know what is good or what is bad right? Stay healthy k!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Kan oh Kan.

As I'm eating my wanton noodle, I suddenly realized that all my posts cannot be seen. Meaning, when you click 'september 2011' not all the posts I posted yesterday are displayed. Ohman.

Anyway. Study date with Kan yesterday. On my way to meeting her, I saw R and the burger store auntie from our school! She recognized me, I'm kind of surprised. And R was in her punjabi school uniform. I think her life is really sad because she have to attend school even on Saturdays. I was late, ok sorry Kan.

We were supposed to study at T3 coffee bean but it was too crowded. So we decided to head back to Tampines coffee bean after lunch. We were busy standing outside Tam's coffee bean looking for seats, when Kan suddenly drag me away. I was still in a shock because she was just pulling me like those scene you seen on tv, and I think I bang onto a chair.

After that, she told me that she saw Zee, yes, Cheng hui zee. I was like 'what?' cause I knew that she had a study date with her small friend, but I didn't expect to see them. It was funny because Kan spotted her mainly because they were wearing the same shirt - the school learning fiesta shirt. This two ah.

So we went to Pop to get Kan's books, and then, this woman kept saying that East Point is still the best place to study. In case you don't know, East Point is near her house, and she likes to convenient herself. Tsk.

So we went to the Banquet, and ate dessert while studying. I think we sat there for about 4 to 5 hours. Had our dinner there too.

I really have nothing to say about this woman. She is so so so so lazy. I know she was studying her pure geo, and her hands were below the table. Due to her laziness, she asked me to help her flip her pages. Isn't it kind of ridiculous and funny? Imagine her reading, and saying 'flip' and I've to flip the pages for her. She said that she usually flip the pages by using her chin when she's at home. Funny funny Kan. I think we chatted and laughed more than we studied. It's really funny.

After that, we wanted to go Diaso, to get stuffs, but it was crowded. Singaporeans. Okay, then I saw KY, and Mr Teacher. Kan pay no attention to her surroundings, seriously.

After that, we were hungry again. I was craving for coffee but we bought Tea Chat to save money. Tea Chat actually kind of suck. They either put one or two thumbs up sign for the drinks they recommend, but the drinks usually suck. Humph.

And then, we bought waffles from Prima. She asked me whether I wanted to sit or just stand around to eat our food. As we were taking in Cantonese, and I kept telling her 'mou' the only word I know.

So we just stood at the automatic door and ate our food. I think people were staring at us and thinking that we are super weird. And then, this woman who was holding her bubble tea in one hand and her waffle in the other, and she wanted to push her spectacles up. She tried to use the bag used to put the waffles, and she failed. So she decided that she should ask me.

Ok, so I think we look weird AGAIN because I was helping her push her glasses. I think we look like lesbians because people were giving us weird stares. Ok, we're cool.

Mum's nagging. Time to study. Bye-bye.


10 posts today! I'm amazed.
Initially, I wanted to do a post to 'show' my cardboard (for textbook) because as I was ransacking though it yesterday, I found a lot of things! But but but, I had to off the computer. How about next time? I'm using my itouch, so it's hard to post pics!

I'm so sleepy, are you? Oh btw! Do give me some feedback on which type of clothes suit me better after seeing the outfits post!

I honestly think that I do not have sufficient clothes, because I kept wearing the same clothes. But apparently, mum thinks that i've too much clothes. Crappy. Clothes are never enough man.

Anyway, I enjoyed the process of looking for picture for my outfits post. I think I should do a shoes post, or accessories post. I've very little shoes though. People often say that 'shoes are women's best friend'. Yeap, I'm going to invest on more shoes after my examination. Can't wait man :)

Time is flying. Os is coming. Prelims are ending. Results are releasing. Ok, goodbye.

Before I go, I wanna watch Don't be afraid of the dark so badly. Yes, it's horror. Anyone??? (Kan, I sound like that N Tan) Pathetic and shameless.

I think I need to do a post on the list of things I wanna do after Os. So many can!

For Kan.

Kan!!!! Was looking through the photos and I found dinosaurs!!!! :)


Ok! I posted a lot of pictures right? :)
Sorry if my picture bores you. My life is boring, what you expect huh?! I think I take pictures of super random stuffs, I know I am boliao. Aiyo, but isn't that what the camera is for? I believe that memories are super important. At least in the future, I'll look back at the pictures and smile. Or tell my children, ''look, your mummy damn zilian last time'' Hahah. I always tell people that since taking picture if free, we should take more. Ok, typical cheapskate. I hate my camera quality! My pictures doesn't turn out nice all the time. I think my Polaroid has a better quality than my camera.

By the way:
Happy belated sixteen En! <3
hope you like the present and card. You did enjoy the dinner last week right?! :)

Wait, I've one or two more posts coming up!


OK, the main purpose of this post is to blog about some of my clothes from the wardrobe! :)
Some of the photos were taken one or two years ago, and yeap, it kind of disgusts me when I look at it because I was so fricking act cute.
Hah, even I can't stand myself man. What's wrong with me last time?
The bottom pictures are the more recent one, so yeap!

About my dressing style, I think it really changes as I grew older.
In my primary school and early secondary days, wearing T-shirt and shorts was the trend. Ok, not exactly the trend, but it's just convenient and cooling. Hello, we're in sunny Singapore. But my friends started calling me Ah Lian as a result. Yes, up till now. GRR, I'm not.

Ok, so that day when I was out with Kanster, we were talking about things, and about clothing. So during secondary 2 camp, we were allowed to bring two pieces of home clothes. I know at that time, I really love little miss tee (check out the 4th pic). Yes, that shirt. So I kept wearing it. I had two little miss tee, so I brought both to camp. Now thinking about it, it's super childish. And then, Kan was telling me that I kept telling her that I bought my favorite shirt to camp, and it's super duper nice. LOL. Can't believe I said that. So she told me that when she saw it that time, she didn't think it was nice. SOBSOB. I only knew it two years later.

Ok, in secondary three? Or end of secondary three? My dressing style start to change! T-shirt and shorts were also only during a casual day (go out for a simple meal, go whatever whatever). So, as I take more time to doll myself up, I am always late when I go out. Sorry friends.