Sunday, December 30, 2012


Haven't been updating for a month or slightly more than that already. It is the school holidays again and just one more term before the end of year one. I seriously can't wait to graduate from Polytechnic. I am not happy with my life there. 

Today's post is going to be a random one. Recently, I have been feeling rather down because of some stuffs. So I kept thinking and asking myself, am I happy? I used to think that I am super contented with my current life. I have everything a teenager probably wants, I used to think. 

Happiness? I don't know whether I am really happy. I sure am, to people. I believe I am always cheerful and talks a lot and laughs a lot. But recently, I just feel down. 

While looking through the photos that I took during my trip to ChiangMai and Bangkok, I feel that I am actually quite lucky. 

You see, if I am an elephant...

I have to listen to whatever my trainer says. I have no freedom.

I have to allow people to ride on me.

I have to perform and shower in dirty water.

I have to get tempted by yummy bananas just to perform for the audience.

I have to draw and show my talent every single day, so boring!

I have to carry humans for free, while my owners earn the money.

I have to tolerate because it is really painful because all the weight is "tied" to my butt.
I have to poo and pee and in water and then step on my own poo and wash my legs in my pee.

I have to allow humans to take photos of me. They look cool, but I look tired.

OKAI. All the photos are taken during my trip. I went for Ox-cart riding as well. So here you go.

So poor thing. They get caned when they get lazy :( :( :(

You see the huge bump on the neck/shoulders? It is probably due to the entire weight they have to carry. 

My life is not that bad after all. 

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