Monday, November 12, 2012

i don't know what to insert here.

Oh hello. I am feeling so happy right now and I finally got the time to update my blog because I have no school tomorrow. It is a super greaaaat thing because I am supposed to have lessons from 9am-5pm tomorrow. Happy Deepavali peeps, thanks to the different races in Singapore, we often have public holidays. Not that often thoughhhh.. I still love Lunar New Year the best.

This year really flew by. Can't believe it is November already. It it just one a half month more before 2012 ends. So scary how fast time flies. And oh ya, not to mention, most of the O level students already finish their papers. It was just my turn last year!

School is pretty busy this sem! The workload for this sem is a lot and the amazing fact is that school holidays are in two weeks. I know right, I just started school like a month ago. This means that my year one poly life is ending soon. Just in 3 months time, to be exact. Even though I was the one who was so excited to enter polytechnic, I won't say I enjoy it a lot. I actually can't wait to graduate from Polytechnic! I am actually quite looking forward to University. Sounds pretty near yet far, I am growing old real soon.

My birthday is in like less than 3 months! 7th February in case you forgot. I will be 18th. Doesn't feel very special but I will be legal to go drinking and clubbing and smoking and gambling hahahahahah. all the bad things, but it is not like I want to do those things anw. I am more looking forward to going drinking at a pub because a pub seems like a really nice place with a very nice environment that I will like.

Oh ya, and my modules this semesters include Mathematics, Digital Visual Design, Gen-ed2, Database management system, Web client design and Social Media Marketing.

I kind of like Mathematics but the topics we learn are pretty tough :( I don't quite understand. Somehow, I miss Kan because she always taught me Mathematics in secondary school :( Digital Visual Design is pretty ok because we learn photoshop. The project part sucks though because it involves a lot of thinking, creativity, art and photoshop skills. I suck at art, oh shit. Gen-ed2 is pretty ok, my lecturer is this dude with some really weird ascent. Sometimes I just feel like punching his face, but he is not that bad. Database management system sucks, it is so boring and I don't understand anything. I don't like the lecturer too. It is this really old woman and she is so fricking whiny! She talk non-stop even when she ask us to read the questions! I always get so pissed off at her. Web client design is actually pretty interesting because it is HTML stuffs, that means we learn how to design our own websites. And again, it requires creativity for our projects. Furthermore, this module and the photoshop module is individual. But again, I dislike the lecturer which is my FT, she suck at teaching. The only good thing is she give us sweets. We are supposed to take one each but since she pass down the whole bag full of cheapo sweets, I will always be the badass who takes 5. win. Social media marketing is not bad, because we have to find a company to work with and help them promote their company. I feel like some business woman, but I don't get paid. :(

I haven't been seeing Kan and Cheng. So sorry! Ben xiao jie very busy with school work. MST is in two weeks if I am not wrong.

A little update about L. It is the 4th week he is starting work at Maybank already. I don't like him to work there and I hate his colleagues.

And oh, one of my aunt bought a condo a few years ago, not my close aunts, and we recently went to her condo for my grandaunt's bday celebration. the condo is at Tanah Merah and it is so tiny! my gosh!

I can't even upload my photos here. blogger sucks.

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