Friday, August 23, 2013

hello, super long blogpost!!!

oh my goodness, I haven't updated my blog for two months?! from what I remembered, I did updated my blog in July/August. Anw, hello. I am here blogging because I suddenly feel like blogging! it's 2.48am right now, and I am still awake even though it is a weekday! whoopwhoop.

Some updates about what has happened recently:
It is currently the study break for most of the poly students! I have 3 papers for my EST, and I have already finished two of them! one more next Monday and I will be done with the first semester of year 2. time flew by, indeed. <- definitely my favorite phrase to use. This means that I will be having my 6 weeks holidays soon! I think I sound a bit excited, but actually I am not. I enjoy school a lot nowadays. I like my timetable, my modules (except for some boring modules like WAD - Web Application Development), and of course, my friends in school. Shall sidetrack a little and talk about my friends in school.

Last year, I was in a clique with 5 friends that I made in poly, which we eventually became closer and was together in a clique. After that, one of them left the clique, so it was only 5 of us. 3 girls, and 2 guys. I guess the fun part of my clique was that the guys were funny and they made us laugh a lot with their jokes. However, this year, the 2 girls were separated from us because they were not in Business IT :( So I was practically left with the two guys. It was not as bad as I thought, and throughout the weeks/months, we definitely grew closer! Me and Ken hang out more outside school, and we didn't even hang out or talk much during Year 1. Didn't really hang out much with Tob alone because he is always off to find his girlfriend. meh. :( reminds me of the times when I neglected my friends because of L.

I end class early almost everyday, so we spend lunch time together with four other guys! our year 1 friends as well. awkward fact is that I don't really talk much during our lunch session, and the guys spend most of our lunch sessions talking crap, playing tai-ti and looking at girls.

been eating a lot lately too. started my exercising plan in July and I worked really hard to exercise almost everyday in 1 month. I am not a person who can stick to an exercising routine for a long time, so it was quite an achievement for me!!! Just when I thought that I can finally stick to my 6 months exercise plan so that I can have a flat tummy with abs and some nice ass by 2014 next year. sadly, I failed and I blame it on school, and myself. :( :( In poly, nearing the end of every sem will be filled with tons of assignments. I still remember last year when me and the girls and guys will stay in school until late night almost everyday for a period of time.

yes, so it was nearing all the submissions so we had to stay back in school again this year. however, it was only the three of us this time round, except for two modules. snacked a lot and didn't exercise for this entire period and right now, i'm still snacking a lot because it is the exam period. meh. I am getting lazy to exercise and I am super unwilling to step out of the house to run. I seriously hate the "I-am-out-of-breath" feeling. it is terrible. When I am sweating like mad and having dying when I am exercising/running, I will promise myself to watch what I eat because losing just 100 calories is not easy. I ran 5km sometimes and I only burn like 300-400 calories for a 30-35 mins run, and when I eat my favorite McDonald's, I complete it in less than half an hour and zoom, it is 1000+ calories. So easy to gain, but so hard to lose. what an unfair world.

During the period when I was exercising, I think I seen some progress. I'm not quite sure either, because even after I stop exercising, my waist still don't look that bad when I wake up every morning. but after I eat, it is a totally different issue. my stomach will bulge out and it is quite bad, especially after buffet. if I am gonna eat a lot, I will make sure that I will wear loose clothing then I will not look fat. or tees, I think they are good at making you look skinny. I feel so skinny everytime I wear tees. :D

I hope I am not the only one who feels this way. Or maybe is because my tee is black. 
Oh, and I really hate it when people keep telling me that I am super skinny. I know myself, and I am not. I used to be super skinny. It is freaky how skinny I used to be.

LOOK AT THOSE LEGS. ikrrrrr. I think that was during secondary 2. I think.
Not that I want to be so skinny, I just want to be slightly fitter and just slightly slimmer. :) I hate how my thighs are so flabby. I want my thighs to be toned.

OK, anw, THIS YEAR IS GONNA BE AWESOME! I mean, the second half of this year because the first half was terrible. I am going overseas twice this year, omg. And I think I haven't really gone overseas twice a year before, except for Malaysia. It is going to be two awesome shopping trip because I am going Bangkok and Taiwan!!!! super excited.

I am going Bangkok in a month! yes, I just went there last year! and I just went Taiwan the year before! My family is good at wasting money by going to the same country over and over again. My parents doesn't really like going to the same country over and over again, but apparently, they are having a new itinerary that will have different places we are visiting as compared to the previous two times I went! I am super excited because we are going to XiMenDing and ShihLin Night Market again! Didn't have much time to shop a lot during the previous trip there! And I realized I spent too much time trying to buy clothes and I didn't really try a lot of the Taiwan xiao chi. Gonna try more snacks from the Night Market this time round, and we are going to WuFenPu too! And a themepark and some other places that I didn't mention because it doesn't interest me that much oops. Did some research just now and I am really excited. But sadly, we are going during Winter again. I have to admit I love the weather, but I want to shop more. Usually during Winter, they sell thicker clothings, and Singapore is super warm! However, I shouldn't complain so much because I am already going shopping in Bangkok this coming Sept!

I realized I didn't blog much about both my Taiwan trip and Bangkok trip! I am going to take more photographs this time with my NEXC3! The previous time when I went Taiwan I was using my digital camera which is of lousier quality. Anw, (photos from my Dec 2012 trip!)

I came home with one new luggage when I went last year!!!!


I know right, I look like I am I went super insane. But, it is actually not that bad because I finish wearing most of the clothes in like a few weeks. Other than that, I am super duper guilty because there are like at least 10 pieces of clothes being dump in my drawer and I didn't wear them because I think I look weird in them. This happens when you just shop and buy anything :( oh, and when I came back with all these clothing, my dad went berserk and he was quite angry at me and think that I got some shopping disease (doesn't exist, but whatever). I am gonna be more wise when I go shopping this time :/ I am quite happy because this time round, I will be going Chatuchuk! Many people say that it is a good place for cheap stuffs! I guess my clothing style changes quite often, so the clothes I bought weeks or months back may not be something I like now. Looking back at the things I bought, I find that some of them are so ugly. sadly.

Been wanting to get myself a snapback recently but I haven't got one yet. snapbacks are so expensive geez, I mean the branded ones. Most of them cost at least 60 bucks, and I wanna get myself a new balance shoes too. Didn't really like it and don't understand why everyone is so crazy over it at first until I saw this super pretty pair with a very pretty colour combination that I love!!! 

huizee will love this too, i am pretty sure. Was so near to buying this the next day at leftfoot, but I didn't see this colour. :( I think it is a much older design, sigh. saw a sort of similar looking one, but the N was black in colour. NO. I am fussy. 

it is 3.43am now, but I am going to blog some photos before I go off to sleep. 

Went for two buffets these two months, and went on a JB Trip with the fam to celebrate aunt's birthday. Got her a perfume for her birthday present this year. even though it was slightly pricey (to me), I was glad that she likes it (i guess) but she was more shocked that I actually bought her something that was expensive. 

So for our family's JB Trip, here are some of the photos!

My photograph skills are really super bad when I go on trips because I just want to quickly take photos and chuck my camera aside!!! AH, now I really feel like getting a DSLR.

And some photos with my fam taken with my phone/cam!

With my buddy, CHENGGY.

Todai Buffet at MBS with the Aunts and Bro:
Badly taken photos, so sorryz. the food doesn't look that appetizing, but it is really good!! 
always too paiseh to take photos at buffet. 
Photos taken from my new phone!! SAMSUNG MEGA! Super awesome battery life. love it! 

Crab Buffet + others at ParkRoyal Hotel!! (18th August 2013)

Photo with my poly mates!!! (from my cam)

(from my phone)

Can't be bothered because it is too late alr, ohman :(
Will blog more detailed soon. 
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZEE, THIS WMAN IS 18! Will do a post soon.
And, went to KW's 21st birthday celebration w the poly peeps last Thursday! First time going to someone's 21st Birthday parrrrrrty! photos are above as well!

the year1 classmates, and the lunch mates and current classmates in this photo except for the two girls and ch! 

goodnight xx, it is 4.31am

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