Sunday, April 14, 2013


Hey guyssss.
Haven't updated my blog for a pretty long time and here I am, blogging a little bit about what I have been doing with my life.

Firstly, today is actually the last day of the 6-7 weeks long holidays. Time flew by, indeed. I am going back to school on Monday as a year two student already. It is amazing how time flies, and I am now a year nearer to graduating. yahoo. :) My results for the second semester was much better than my results for the first sem. I scored 2.28 for my first sem GPA which is lousy shit, and I managed to score 3.125 for my second sem. Cumulative GPA is 2.69 though. I am so far from getting a nice GPA. :(

Year 1 as a poly student was pretty okay. Whenever my parents ask me what I learnt for the past year because school fees in poly are pretty expensive as compared to JC and during secondary school days. Without thinking, I will always tell them I didn't learn anything at all. I feel like I let my parents down sometimes. They worked so hard and scrimp and save so that they can give my bro and I sufficient allowance for school. I appreciate that a lot. My poly friends kept complaining and calling me 'bai jia nv' which I don't know what it is called in English. I will take it as they are calling me spoilt brat or something because I get pocket money during the holidays. I feel bad that I spent almost all the $300 my mum gave me during the holiday each month. What did I spent it on? I really can't remember where did all the money go. Shopping? I doubt so, I don't remember shopping a lot this holidays. I will assume that I spent it all on food because if you followed me on Instagram, I am constantly posting photos of food that I ate for lunch/dinz/supper or anything.

I have always been a person who can't really bear to spend a lot of money on food because I feel that as long as I am full, it doesn't really matter what I eat. I still have this thinking now, but it is just that after so much things happening this holidays, I feel that I should just let myself eat better food / eat whatever I want to. Feel a bit guilty though because my parents don't usually eat expensive food. I am guilty that I didn't work this holidays as well. Firstly, it was because of issues with L. Followed by me being lazy because now, I have this thinking that in the future I will have plenty opportunities to work, why torture myself now?

Back to talking about school. I figured that one reason why I don't enjoy poly is probably because I didn't really participate in anything (School activities, CCA, etc). I know that I am the type of person who is always excited to join activities and CCA, but in the end, I just decided not to because I am lazy. Previously last year, I wanted to join sports but they had selections. I want to join cheerleading too because it is something new! I hope I can join it this year provided I am not lazy or anything. :< :<

This semester, I am learning a lot of Business modules. Pretty excited for it, and I really hope I can score well. I want to aim for a 4.0 GPA so that I can pull up my pathetic 2.69 GPA! School starts pretty early for me everyday and I really hope that I won't be late for school. School ends pretty early as well x.x I am thinking of finding a job maybe. My mum say that I will have to pay for my own school fees in uni apart from the money from insurance. Hopefully I can start working hard and earning and saving money.

To sum up year 1, below are some photos of my poly friends. Poly friends will never be as close as secondary friends I guess. But I hope that we will always stay in contact.

Secondly, I have been hanging out with zeezee cheng a lot! Like once a week yeah hooo. And I love spending time and chatting with this woman because we are not awkward with each other.

Thirdly, I spent time with my cousins too this holidays. Such a long time since we last went out together. It was great I guess. Managed to talk to them about our individual lives. Patrina is now schooling in a JC and Jiaen is starting school in poly next week!

I am going to do a next post now for the fourth thing.

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