Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Hi, I am back with a post about poly life. So I am currently studying in SP (Singapore Polytechnic), also known as Singapore's first Polytechnic now.
I know many people will probably find it stupid that I am not studying in TP (Temasek Polytechnic) since it is nearer to my home, even my parents find that I am too 'boliao' because going SP is a waste of time and money because of its distance.
OK so week 2 of school has ended. like a wowow, so fast!

OK so basically, I feel that I really get super a lot of freedom in school! It may be a bad, or good thing, i suppose. It make me feel that I really miss secondary school life at times. In school during lessons, we are always given a lot of freedom. It is like 'you want to listen, you listen' that type of thing.

I am kinda stressed about school because I really don't like IT :( Anti-IT. And I really can't do JAVAAAAA. shit you.

OK, I feel like ranting about CCAs now. CCA fair was last week. I joined 4 CCAs - Badminton, Netball, Ultimate Frisbee and SP Ambassdors. And now, I am still contemplating on whther I should got for Badminton, Netball and SP Ambassdors tomorrow. :(

I really want to join Netbal very much, but I dont have confident in getting in because there are only choosing 20 best players from the experienced players.

Then Badminton, i like to play it a lot! But but, I am lazy. I dont want to bring my racket to school tomorrow. sucker.

SP Ambassorors need interview and stuffs. I don't have any leadership shit so ya.

OK, that's it.

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