Sunday, March 18, 2012

I haven't been blogging much.

Oh hey hi. I wonder if anyone still reads my blog because it is like, wow, I haven't being blogging for like a month.
No, wait, I still like blogging a lot. But it is just that I don't have much time, ya know..
HUH?! you must be thinking that I am very free since I am still having my holidays right, bro?!
You are wrong okay. I am a busy woman, let me tell you okay?

Firstly, my dear girl, Miss Cheng had started working with me at Siemens, the hearing aid company or the medical instrument company (sounds pretty professional right?) a month ago. Speaking of Siemens, this girl kept reminding me that Siemens sounds like Semen, grr. Oh and so after she started working with me, I started working OT! yes, overtime woohoo because I am money face this way. No la, I am just kidding, but I admit that I am pretty face because ah, ''wo de shou tou hen jin'' (i hope you understand this). Another way to put it, I have been spending a lot of money. Gosh, I am spending money like water. I remembered I got like 1k plus of angpow money for Chinese new year and my 17th birthday just one to two months ago. I paid my aunt 500 bucks for my camera, and there were like 500-600 bucks left, and I finish spending it in like 2 or 3 weeks? Like seriously, Tay? My parents initially wanted me to deposit it into my bank account like what I did every year without fail. I told them that I want to keep soon and deposit some, but I ended up spending all, on idk what.

OK, so I have been working OT with my alien friend till like 9pm sometimes, or 7pm when we get lazy, or give OT a miss when we get lazier and go out to eat and shop.. haha, money spent again ikr. Had a really fun time working with Zee, and my colleagues probably think that I behave very differently when Zee is here. We laugh a lot, talk a lot, just very crazy and had a lot of fun together. For me, at least :) at least I can experience working with my small friend :) It kind of reminds me of the times when we are in school and sitting next to each other. I will always remember when we had our small 'quarrels' and Singapore and Malaysia will seperate our tables, and after we continue talking, Singapore (Zee) will build a bridge using her ruler that links Singapore to Malaysia again and I will never fail to destroy the bridge. It sounds pretty childish, I know, but at least it was something memorable. Something that will probably not happen again..

Just two more weeks of work, and school will be starting real soon. Can't believe 6 months just passed like that. I still remember that day after our MCQ paper, all the four of us even went around taking photos at contruction sites. Right, we are cool this way.

Anyway, this woman kept making a fool out of herself during work. Can't help but laugh at her all the time. Even our colleagues find her funny.

Speaking of my colleagues, I can say that I have pretty nice colleagues yeah. Except for this woman who pisses me off because she kept slacking and this other woman who is kind of like a bitch. And yes, they are good friends. Birds of the same feathers flock together.

And there is something that is disturbing me quite a lot. One of my NICE colleague have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I am kind of upset for some reason. Even though we don't talk much, she is quite a nice person. Not that she always offer me food, but yeah, she is just nice. Praying real hard for her operation on Tuesday. Probably not going to see her again, but I hope she recovers well and will be back to work soon.

OKOK, this is such a long post right. I still have quite a lot to say though..

Oh and secondly, I haven't been blogging because there is something wrong with my PC at home. Like ugh, annoying because my parents are blaming me for transferring too many photos to my computer causing it to have problems. is it really my fault? i have no idea either. my computer is still not back yet, ok, not the screen but the thing below. ah i forgot the name for it.

In case you are wondering what i am using to blog now. tata and it is my new notebook for school! woohoo it is awesome because i finally have my own notebook. something i wanted a lot since years ago. I got a one with big screen and nice keypad. the keypad looks like the macbook one, yay. however, my lappy is kind of heavy. 2.6kg wow. it is because of the material which is more durable, so yeap.

look at the keyboard. it lights up woohoo. and the screen is really huge right! it cost 1.7 plus :) it has a good sound system too, suitable for gaming, watching movies or downloading music :)

HOWEVER, it will be better if it is in pink la!

Anyway, I shall talk about my life now. My life is pretty okay.
My birthday is over, one month ago and I spent it with my 3 friends - Renee, Zee and Kan.
It was quite a good one.
I shall blog about it in my next post because this post is really long already!

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