Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy Sixteen Birthday to my dearest BT, Jocelyn Tan Wei Ting.

OTE: Pictures not in any order. enjoy!


Hey BT, it's your sixteen birthday.
You're a loser because lao niang is turning seventeen already, and it means that when I already know how to crawl or even walk, you just came out from your mother's vagina.
So anyway, I'm so sorry for not attending your birthday celebration. IKR - It's your sixteen birthday. Hey, please sense the sarcasm. tyvm.
Nevertheless, I didn't forgot about it la! I spent so much time to find all these photos which has you in it, and spent more time uploading it to Photobucket, before i copy and paste every single link here. yes, appreciate that BT!
Here's a little thing for you to read about:

Each of the 16 candles holds a special meaning

  • The first candle is for the boy's/girl's parents.
  • The second candle is for the siblings. (If there are no siblings, then this candle can represent the grandparents.)
  • Candles 3, 4, 5 and 6 are for the rest of the family members.
  • Candles 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 are for friends.
  • Candle 15 is for the girl's best friend or friends.
  • The 16th candle is for a significant male, such as a boyfriend or good friend.
  • Some add a 17th candle which represents good luck


I'm going to write you a message now:

Dearest BT,
Happy Birthday.
I hope you had a great and memorable birthday. Something that you can look back and be happy about. Maybe not so happy because I'm not present, but still.

Dearest BT,
It was kind of err.. nice? knowing you as a friend since secondary one. My first memory of you was you know.. that time during chinese lesson when Ms Poh made us play some 'game', and you were dumb so you wrote your name all over my paper. Yes. So i knew that you were Japan before, and play an instrument.
After that, I thought you looked like some loner and wanted to sit with you, but I had a partner already. (because you got abandoned by LT).
Uhuh, that's kind of like my memory of you.
During our secondary one and secondary two days, we grew closer and belonged to the big clique of twelve. It was then that there were rumours that you and zhiye or yi ting like each other. It was funny to make fun of you at that point of time.
There was also once when you cried in class. Yes, I remembered you as a cry baby then or a nicer term will be, emotional.
I remember there was once when some teacher showed us a video and you started crying and we had to calm you down.
OMG, I just remembered that at one point of time, every one in class hated you because you were annoying. Remember that time when almost the whole 2A were playing some games at the back of the class and you cried and shouted to them something like 'can you all keep quiet? I need to do my work'. I guess I felt really embarassed at that point of time for some reason.
Oh, and I remember that you had a birthday celebration during secondary one at some club. It was a Karaoke session but I didn't sing because I'm too shy to. hoho. I remember that I bought you chocolates for your birthday present that year.

WOW. My memory is super good right.

OK, and in secondary two days, me and huiyi sat behind you and Kan.
It was quite a good time, I guess.
And in secondary three, unfortunately, we got into the same class - 3B/4B even though our subject combination is so different. You can call this fate, I guess. But I call it suay. HAH, you must be bleeding inside now. kk, kidding.
So in secondary three, we went China, Dalian together, and spent 2 weeks together.
We lived in the same hotel room, sleep together, eat together, go to school together, take picture together, visit the places of interest together.
It was a good 14 days spent together and looking back, it was indeed a memorable trip.
I remember the pajamas dress you wore during the first day of the trip which was too big for you, and I watched and video you change. HAHAHA.
And everyday, you will be washing your bra and panties at the sink, and I will always be snapping pictures here and there.
And us going to super market together, and you and huiyi will be so cheapskate to buy anything. SOBSOB.
How we always try the different flavour lays' potato chips, and kang shi fu's instant noodles.
There were also times when we will buy masks and use it in the hotel, and i will be snapping pictures with you telling me not to upload it on facebook.
Oh, another memorable thing was when you had to peel off the mask thingy for me because I used it all over my face instead of my noes only :(
The times when we had our gathering at PT's room and we will all be chit-chatting, playing games, eating, taking pictures, or even practise singing Love Story for our performance.
haha, and another thing I remembered was that you were being a loser because you couldn't sleep on the flight back because I was occupying your space. dumb bitch,

In secondary three, you and Kan sat behind me and zee.
and during the learning fiesta period, we didn't talk because you were being stupid.
but after a few days, we were okay already.

During secondary four days, you and Kan sat behind me and zee as well.
That's when I start getting annoyed because you started talking a lot. I think you're trying to challenge my tolerance level huh, bitch.
So anyway, secondary four was basically studying for Os, and we didn't hang out together much, probably because you have tuition most of the time. MZK.
Oh, that's also when you started getting annoying because you were being so secretive about your whatever brothers. OK.
There was also once when you called me and you were crying. It freaked me out, and nowadays, I do not even dare to answer any calls from you. LOLOL.

Uh, it has been a four years friendship.
I have a feeling that it is going to end soon after we officially graduate from secondary school because we will be going different ways.
Nevertheless, I hope that we will still hang out after we graduate or even go to the same poly.
Even though you have been a bad friend, we are still close friends, so you can always talk to me about anything and everything :D
OK, this post is super duper long.
Happy birthday once again, stupid BT.

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