Saturday, February 7, 2015

A brand new year, once again

Hello blogger.
Blogging this post on the 7th of February while I have some time right now.
It's my birthday, my 20th birthday to be exact.
Ahh, so it is true when people say that as you grow older, birthday doesn't seems that important anymore. Don't really feel the hype like "yay, it is my birthday" unlike the past years. When I was younger, these 24 hours feels really special like it is all mine. I remember I would be counting down minutes and seconds on how long more my birthday will be ending. But now, it just feels normal. Quite sad ah!

Even though it is already the 7th February 2015, woah, another year 2014 flew by!!
Always wanted to do a summary post of the entire year but it will take me crazy long la!
But anw, shall blog a little about my 2014 since I'm free now. It's good to look back and see what I have done. ahh, I realized I don't really set goals for myself heh, more like I am the type that just do whatever I want to and feel like.

I remember my first moment of 1st of January was spent with fatty! We went to the Marina area to watch the fireworks and got a spot that was not bad! Though the crowd was crazy. HAHAHAH and me being me, I was taking photos of the firework and asked fatty to help me video the firework. Afterwards he scolded me and until now he still say me lor. HAHAH like watch firework and he ended up helping me video my firework and watching through my small screen HAHAH.

Can't remember whether I actually posted this set of photos before but here are some snippets of our day!

 Oh gosh, I got lazy. Shall update again next time!!!

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