Monday, May 25, 2015


As we go on, 
We remember, 
All the times we, 
Had together. 

As our lives change,
Come whatever,
We will still be,
Friends forever.

Suddenly feeling quite emotional after receiving Zee's long text in our group chat. It suddenly dawn on me that we are gonna be going on separate paths soon. Being in the same schools for 7 years and it is at this point that we will being on separate paths on our last stage of our education. 

Didn't expect that I will feel upset about this. But these girls are the sweetest and bestest friends that I will probably have in my entire life. Having different personalities doesn't stop us from being friends. The many things that we did together throughout these 7 years and counting of our friendships. Never thought that our friendships would have gone so far, so much more than what I thought from the day we know each other when we were 13.

Wow. 13 sounds so far now that we are 20. Well, actually I am the only one who have turned 20 while those two are still months away from turning 20. It is amazing how when we first know a person, we don't know how this person will actually influence and stay in our lives for so long. These two are definitely keepers for life. 

Well, we definitely have pretty funny first impressions of one another. How I thought Kan was nerdy and her first words to me on our first day of secondary one was actually "can lend me your pen? My pen spoil" I turned and thought that she was some really blur girl and her pen that 'spoil' was actually a free pen that the school gave us. How funny. Never did I expect this girl to be one of the sweetest and bestest friend! For being there for me when I broke down, for talking so much crap with me on Whatsapp, for spamming the capture button when we selfie. Well, in school, she was also someone I look up to and copy her work lolol because I trust her answers. And also, someone who always pms and black face in secondary school. Sigh, those were the times. At one point, I even remember saving her contact name as Shalyn mummy. So gay but that's how motherly and caring she is, to me.

As for Zee, my first impression of her was that she look really fierce. In fact, we didn't even talk in secondary 1 and 2? We only got closer during Secondary 3 and it was probably the best times when we sat beside each other during Secondary 3 and Secondary 4. Her weirdness make me laugh every single time. How we will always take bus together after school, and eating loads of MSG and cheese fries, bubble tea. How we will always have endless things to talk about. Someone so identical to me and we can almost read each other's minds all of the time. My shopping buddy. It was amazing how someone got such an identical taste as me. Oh, and the epic moment was how she thought I was the ugliest girl during secondary one. Not forgetting our F&N classes which were the main factors why we became close. All the cooking and theory that we studied together.

Thanks for showing me what is true friendship. To more years ahead, my dearest besties. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Somehow it bothers me sometimes when I feel that I am being look down at. Not just me, but the whole poly cohort in general. Why do people in JC always think that they are smarter? Not all of them but perhaps a lot of them feel so. But that's certainly not true. It is the choices we make, the route we chose to go. In this case, poly. 

Poly is a great journey, 3 years of life skills being thrown at us and I am sure I learnt a lot of skills that I won't be able to picked up in JC. I learnt confidence. Given the chance to practice my presentation and communication skills, I am a much more confident speaker now as compared to when I was in year 1, still new and fresh. I still dread every single presentation even up till now, not the best speaker too, but I understand myself better now.

You see, most of us in poly can actually go to a JC too. It may not be the best JC but hey, a lot of friends around me actually did better than the friends of mine who went to JC. So we are all equal. Yes, it is true that the poly graduate have lower chance to enter lower U. Lol definitely not because we are dumber okay. It is because we are in Singapore. 90% of the JC cohort makes up the 100% of the population in local U. Only 10% for the poly cohort. It is not as if we get to chose, or am given a choice. We have to squeeze and compete with thousands of students from the 5 polytechnics. It is definitely not as slack and easy as what people think unless you have already experienced it. Poly being more slack is not true at all. It is just that we are more flexible and given time to take exams and do our assignments. Oh we have Final year projects as well and of course, Internship. Yes, I can vouch and say that the skills we learnt are actually more applicable in the working world? 

So what if most of us poly graduate end up in SIM? At least we still get a place somewhere right. No place in local U? Well, let it be then? What can we do to change the fact that only 10% of us can get in local U anw. The fact is, the government feel that us, as diploma students, we are eligible to work already rather than study. Though majority of us still want to get a degree because certification is important in SG.

So, ya. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

A brand new year, once again

Hello blogger.
Blogging this post on the 7th of February while I have some time right now.
It's my birthday, my 20th birthday to be exact.
Ahh, so it is true when people say that as you grow older, birthday doesn't seems that important anymore. Don't really feel the hype like "yay, it is my birthday" unlike the past years. When I was younger, these 24 hours feels really special like it is all mine. I remember I would be counting down minutes and seconds on how long more my birthday will be ending. But now, it just feels normal. Quite sad ah!

Even though it is already the 7th February 2015, woah, another year 2014 flew by!!
Always wanted to do a summary post of the entire year but it will take me crazy long la!
But anw, shall blog a little about my 2014 since I'm free now. It's good to look back and see what I have done. ahh, I realized I don't really set goals for myself heh, more like I am the type that just do whatever I want to and feel like.

I remember my first moment of 1st of January was spent with fatty! We went to the Marina area to watch the fireworks and got a spot that was not bad! Though the crowd was crazy. HAHAHAH and me being me, I was taking photos of the firework and asked fatty to help me video the firework. Afterwards he scolded me and until now he still say me lor. HAHAH like watch firework and he ended up helping me video my firework and watching through my small screen HAHAH.

Can't remember whether I actually posted this set of photos before but here are some snippets of our day!

 Oh gosh, I got lazy. Shall update again next time!!!