Sunday, October 23, 2011

Crappy post at 3.45am.

Greetings from Singapore!
Hahaha, just in case anybody thought that I'm still in Malaysia!
In case you're wondering why am I updating my blog when I'm supposed to be studying for my major examinations.
Ohwell, i'm not slacking but I'm sacrificing my bed time to update this little space of mine :).
It's 3.28am now and I just finished mugging. Ok, I can't say finish because I've still got so much to study.
Ohno, I'm like so not prepared for Os, you know. Therefore, I've to mug at night because I can't study in the afternoon.
For example, I wake up at 11.30am, and start studying at about 2pm. And then, if I'm reading my notes, I'll fell asleep by latest 2.30pm.
What is this. Sigh.
I know constant mugging is really bad, and I'm really grateful and touched whenever someone tell me to take care every time I mug. Lololol, this part is crappy. But no worries, I'm strong. Not like zee zee zee zee baby baby baby~
So, science practical was last Thursday. It kinda suck to me because I screwed up chemistry. God, I think I was a little panicky and careless before I wrote white solid when I saw a green solid. And, I threw away 3 marks because I forgot what ion was. Ok, I was quite positive that there will be quite a few people who got the last part wrong. But no, I think everyone around me got it correct. Nooo. A little demoralized now.
English paper in 1 day time. For now, I'm going to love English till Monday ok.
Anyway, I've got tons of photos to upload! But it's all in my cam. Ohwell~ after Os then.
Got to go soon. Studying date with GT at 10am later, which means I will only be able to sleep for about 4 hours?! Shoot me.
Goodnight xx.

Reminder to self:
(first few things to do after Os)
1) get my DSLR (persuade mum and dad first) - done before 17th nov
2) visit the optical shop to make lenses! (or else I will be a blind cat during prommmmm!) - done before 18th nov
3) shop for my dress. - done before 19th nov

Prom's in 29 days' time ;)
Should I do my hairrrr? And get a make up artist to do my make up?! ;) aww excited to go with zee zee alien :)

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