Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy belated birthday Fat Beggar Zee.
Remember this picture? :)
You were obsessed with turtle the other time, HAHAHA.
hope you like the presents! :D

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I'm too boliao.

Heh heh, I love tweeting.
And when I'm bored, I love to use my itouch and post weird things like that :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I found this picture taken during our Penang trip two years ago.
What the heck man. What were we doing.

好的事情 by Yen J is such a nice song :)

Go listen to it, I would put the video here, but I don't know how to.
Goodbyeeee. See you next week *wave*

mum's bday.

Taken on Dad's bday.

No big celebration, but dad prepared Steamboat for mum and us :)
dad's so sweet! <3

Weird at home LOLLL

This thingy on my hair was from the flowers above.
The free hairband from the clothes buffet.
The candy that we bought from Toys R Us last week.



Results are out.
Lousy results.
Need to reflect.
Got to stop slacking.
Have to chiong now.
77 more days left.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Hi, I'm here to update.
I'm going to do a blog post on my day out with Kan last Saturday.
Supposedly, Zee was supposed to go with us, but the devil of play hates her.
So I had to go to school in the morning for fricking FNN. I know I was complaining a lot to Zee when we told that we have to go back to school. But in the end, many did not turn up too.

Anyway, we met only at around 2 or 2.30pm. We trained to Bugis. Yes, bugis. I think Kan hates Bugis tho. But anyway, the train was pretty crowded, so we had difficulty alighting at Bugis. NORMAL people will just say 'excuse me', and try to squeeze their way out. Being a NORMAL person, I did that too. But Kan, being the 'laziest person on earth' (as quoted by me), just decided that we should just stand there, and alight at the next stop, then train back to Bugis again. How ridiculous is that?! I highly suspect that Kan was just being too lazy.

We had a good and late lunch at Ajisen Ramen. Did I mention that I love soup a lot too, Jo? :) So I practically gobbled down everything like a pig, because I was so damn hungry. We saw some girls who were younger than us at Ajisen, but hell, they had thick makeups on their face, and what they were wearing was rather, *clear throat* revealing. Sometimes, it's stupid trying to beatify yourself when you're like too young for it. What is worst was the girls suck at putting makeups because the makeups did not even make them look prettier.



Okay, back to the topic. So after lunch, that woman suggested that we should take neoprints. Gosh, I can't even remember the last time I took neoprints! I guess it was a year ago. I guess neoprints is not in trend now, because the shop used to be packed with people. But this time round, the shop was quiet. The girls or couples who were there were mainly those primary school kids, or lower secondary.

It was weird for us to be there, because we don't fit in. So Kan came up with a brilliant plan - she suggested that we should do some weird and cool poses, instead of the usual stick-your-tongue-out, stick-a-peace-sign-to-your-mouth poses. It was quite expensive, and we changed our Sin dollar to YEN! :) the auntie there was super qianbian because I wanted to change my coins for the YEN, but she refuses to accept my coins. WAHLAO EH



Before taking the neoprints, we decided to make up of the bright lights to take pictures :




Here are the neoprints.
Caution: It's weird. But we're cool this way :)



Kan suggested that we should do a stone face, so here's it is:

I suggested this fling hair post. NOTE: Look at the pig on Kan's head, and her yellow hair.

I look like a dog in this picture. Note: Kan edited this, and changed the Girls to Dogs. FUNNY

A normal shot. RARE.

Apparently, Kan thinks that I'm very cool. Can't help it being so cool. Note: I made her look cute by putting a beanie on a head kk.

Kan suggested that we should act cool and look like we're shooting something. Note: Kan's small eyes!!! Cute.

This is probably the coolest neoprints ever. HAHAHAHA. Compared to my previous neoprint experience, this is the best :) ZHAN!!!
After neoprint, that woman wanted a stuff toy, so we headed to Iluma.


Ok, we went to the arcade, and here's kan, trying to get herself a stuff toy.


And here's how she look like after she spent about 5 bucks, but not getting anything. HAHA.


Her typical act-sad-and-pretend-to-cry face. Hilarious much. Luckily I'm smart enough not to waste any money on it :) #typicalsmartcheapskate HAHA
And then, we decided to go to the top floor to checkout the pretty and cool arcade there, and snap some picture. Or maybe get the chance to watch the sunset at 5.30pm.


And here are some pictures of us :)





Kan and her funny faces again!!! :)


After that, we walked around, and decided to take picture here:




I think I look a bit look Jingting in this photo:

When we were taking our pictures halfway, a dude suddenly appear, and we totally got a shock. So we got out, and walked to the lift. Here, Kan suggested that we should take picture in front of the lift. Then I told her that it will be very funny if the lift doors open.
PS KAN: OMG, your arm hair can be seen in this photo.

Then, then. We saw this sign that says: ''No Resting and No Seating''. So we decided to go against it. HAHA. Here's Kan sleeping with her mouth open, and saliva dripping out.


OK, so we left after that. And we saw those put-1-dollar-coin-and-get-a-toy-machine! But well, it didn't cost 1 dollar :( It was 3 dollars or something like that. Of course we took pictures la! However, there were many people walking pass, so we had to act like it's normal to be weird.

Gotcha! A blurr picture of Kan with her mouth open, and saliva dripping out again. Sigh.. why is she always like that.

TATA, a good shot.

Everybody look to the right~

Everybody look to the left~

Following that, Kan wanted to take the long long escalator, so we decided to climb the stairs to find the escalator. And here are some shots taken by her:

SEE, she's even more boliao then me lor!


Apparently, Kan mentioned that I was trying to act gangster in this picture. Looks weird though.

That woman asked me to act sexy, but I backed out in the end. Anw, the picture turned out nice :) heh, at least is not unglam right. My eyes look so small though :(

We left Iluma after that, and we saw this uncle selling tissue. Poor thing :( he was there when me and cheng went there last week. So, Kan bought tissue from him. While I bought tissue from this auntie. She ripped me off though. Tsk.

That woman suggested that we should train to City Hall, and we walked to Suntec City from there. We were so exhausted from all the walking, and we finally managed to find benches to sit down.

Sat there for a while, and went into Toys R Us just to walk around for fun. No, actually to play the toys. CHILDHOOD. We played a little bit of volleyball with the beach balls there. The balls were 2 for 6 bucks. HOW CHEAP. I wanted to buy it, but I didn't in the end :(

Kan with her tiny little yellow friend.

Me and this creature. To be honest, I don't even know his name. Is his name Sesame? I know he is from Sesame Street.

What's with Kan's eyes?

She forced her friends into kissing each other.

As we were about to leave, we found some of the candies that we used to eat during childhood!!! We were so excited about it.


Our loots.

If you're observant enough, you'll realize that people goes Toys R Us to buy toys, but we're the exception. I guess we're cool this way.

So we left Suntec. We had a pretty hard time choosing where to go for our dinner. We had to go to a place with KFC, because Kan wanted to use the KFC coupon that Jo gave it to her. As usual, Kan suggested that we should go Eastpoint, because Eastpoint has challenger and popular. (I guess that's probably her excuse to convenient herself.) But then, I insisted that we should go Bedok because Kan wanted a place that benefits her, and so, I want to go to a place that benefits me too.

In the end, she refuses to go Bedok, and I refuses to go East Point. So being the older one, I had no choice, but to suggest that we go Tampines. Yes, it didn't benefit any one of us. But it's still nearer for that woman.

When the train stopped at Simei, I mistook it for Tampines, because both are only one stop apart. So I walked out, and realized that we were still one stop away. However, this woman thought that I wanted to go Simei, and totally pull me out of the train. So, we had to wait for the next train. And so, we took pictures!


Upon reaching Tampines, we headed to T1's Challenger to get that woman's earphones. Being so fickle-minded, she took a pretty long time to decide which one she should get because the earphones were kind of expensive.

Being a good friend, I just stood there and let her take her own sweet time to decide on the one she wants, even though it was quite late already. But I remembered when we went out the other time, we were at Cotton On because I wanted to buy clothes. She kept asking me to be quick, and everytime I ask her whether something is nice, she'll say 'ya'. Asshole. I bought two pairs of shorts, and they were too small for me because I didn't try. TSSKKKK. You better be guilty.

Anyway, it was me who decided for her in the end. And this woman was such an embarrassment. NORMAL people will pay using $10 or $50 notes. However, all her notes were $5 and $2, so she took a pretty long time too pay. So I told Kan that she look like some poor girl who took so long to save up the money for her earphones.

Walked to KFC, and settled our late dinner there.



Rotate yourself, or tilt your head.


Halfway through our dinner, mum called, and I had to rush home. Despite that, we took some pictures to end our day :)

I was wearing heels that day, so I looked very tall :) i like it!

There was a fun fair, and Kan suggested that we should make use of the lights from the fun fair and take pictures.


I like this! Favorite pic of the day.



That day was awesome! I found out that Kan loves to take picture too! RARE.
Ok, I took nearly 3 hours for this post. OMG